• Help with searching phrases in files

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Jimmy MurrayJ

    @Alan-Kilborn Thank you very much!!!I will try

  • Speed Scroll

    0 Votes
    11 Posts

    @m-r said in Speed Scroll:

    I get this auto scroll ability in Firefox, Chrome, and Notetab l among others.


    is there way to get it to work in Notepad++

    No, see https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/issues/9887 and then https://sourceforge.net/p/scintilla/feature-requests/1197/

    Neither of those links present a strong argument for why autoscroll can’t or won’t be implemented but the answer so far has been “no, it won’t be implemented.”

    FWIW, support for autoscroll would first need to be added to Scintilla.

  • Find in files: File is too big to be opened...

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @christian-cgi OK, solved it. Installed 64-Bit version and now everything works fine :-)

  • Notepad++ says it cannot find the

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @Marc-Hankin said in Notepad++ says it cannot find the:

    What can I or we do to get this fixed,

    Probably best course of action is to open an issue, here: https://github.com/npp-plugins/pork2sausage

  • Change tab font size and document font color

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @m-r ,

    I’m not convinced you actually read my post, or the link I sent you to. For example, the second screenshot you posted proved you didn’t understand even my first paragraph, which only mentioned the Style Configurator dialog, not the Preferences dialog.

    Further, I cannot imagine why you want to pick Notepad++ as your text editor, then disable one of its core features (syntax highlighting, where comments are different color from keywords are different color from known constants or functions are a different color from identifiers are a different color from …).

    But if you want to take an awesome took like Notepad++, and make it effectively equivalent to the Win11 tabbed notepad.exe but with a better search engine – fine, I’ll tell you how to ruin Notepad++.

    The reason it “imposed a green color” (or rather, that your Global Override settings didn’t impose a black color on syntax-highlighted text) is because you didn’t enable the Global Override on foreground and background color as well. If you want the Global Override to override everything, so that no language (be it CSS or HTML or JS or anything) gets any fancy colorings or weight or fonts for any of its syntax (effectively turning off syntax highlighting), you have to enable all the “enable global XXX” options on that dialog, not just some.
    I marked up your screenshot to show you which additional boxes you have to checkmark.


    addendum: you will also want to change the foreground color from light yellow to black, and your background color from orange to white; sorry I forgot to mention that when I first posted this

    That will make every piece of text in the Notepad++ editor panels be the same color and font and size and weight, regardless of syntax (and effectively disable one of Notepad++'s core features).

  • Notepad++ inserts text on carriage return

    2 Votes
    2 Posts


    Yes that plugins gives this “issue” sometimes when it is active and doesn’t interpret correctly the operation to evaluate.

    For example

    Its icon is:


    and can be disabled with it with just a click and this together with removing keyboard shortcuts will be a final solution for that issue.
    I had exactly the same issue and adopted exactly the same solution: no more problems. Now when I want it active I just click on the icon so I am aware it is working.

  • Function List incomplete

    0 Votes
    25 Posts
  • How to change back the line number format?

    0 Votes
    7 Posts
    Joseph StanishJ

    @Viji-Amarasing You are correct.

  • Hindi Font Issue

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    @mkupper said in Hindi Font Issue:

    It seems like an encoding issue

    Yes, I think you’re right. A fresh, default installation has Settings > Preferences > New Document set to UTF-8, and even “Apply to opened ANSI files” checkmarked. But if they have a config file that’s been upgraded many times, it might still use ANSI without them having set it; or if they have ever intentionally set that option to ANSI or to one of the pulldown character sets, then it will not be defaulting to UTF-8 for new files. And even if it’s on UTF-8, if they don’t have the “Apply to opened ANSI files” checkmarked or if they have Settings > Preferences > MISC > Auto-detect character encoding set to true, then when they open an existing file (which post-links.txt may have already been a file), it might not be opened as UTF-8.

    If @Sunny had included the status bar in the screenshot, it would have clarified a lot. As it is, @Sunny will have to answer whether the lower-right of the status bar says UTF-8 or something different:

    If it says something different, then @Sunny can do Encoding > UTF-8 (if there aren’t any other characters than the ? that was shown) or Encoding > Convert to UTF-8 (if there are other characters), and then re-paste the text.

  • SVG files as icons instead of bmp/ico type

    0 Votes
    8 Posts

    @PeterJones said in SVG files as icons instead of bmp/ico type:

    That’s what you put together for the 2021 suggestion.

    No it is a further improved GUI

    It has nothing to do with this SVG icons discussion.

    You’re right. I just showed it to demonstrate my limitations in c/c++ because the only thing I am able to do is creating GUI with code::blocks

    If you want to continue to discuss SVG files as icons in this topic, especially a potential plugin, go ahead, I’ll not interfere.

    Don’t worry: you are welcome.

  • Find & Replace Modal Displaying Transparently in v8.5.3

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Allen KenneyA

    @PeterJones Thank you!
    I had never noticed that option in the bottom-right corner before.
    That was my problem.

  • Macro with Encoding... Char Sets... OEM-US Does Nothing

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    Maybe try:

    <Macro name="OEM US" Ctrl="no" Alt="no" Shift="no" Key="0"> <Action type="2" message="0" wParam="45044" lParam="0" sParam="" /> </Macro>
  • New to Notepad++ Community

    0 Votes
    6 Posts
    Mark OlsonM

    To expand on what @PeterJones said, my general feeling about learning any kind of programming is that you will probably make better progress and gain a better understanding if you have some intrinsic motivation to do something.

    So I guess my advice is this: look for some aspect of Notepad++ or an existing that you don’t like. Spend some time thinking about whether you have an idea of how to make it better. Look at the documentation and see if you can see a reasonable way to implement your idea.

  • [Improvements] Folding, copy paste, drag'n drop

    0 Votes
    16 Posts

    OK the solution proposed works indeed: so the trick is basically to select one more paragraph / end of line / \r\n to make it work.
    Thank you all.

  • Find and Replace Multiple Lines of Code for whole directory

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @Karan-Mandya said in Find and Replace Multiple Lines of Code for whole directory:

    I was able to make it work.

    Using \r \n and \t in extended search mode I was able to put entire code supposed to be replaced in single line and then did a replace in all files pretty easily. Yay!

  • Notepad++ Sort Class

    0 Votes
    9 Posts

    @JediSQL said in Notepad++ Sort Class:

    I do not think that addresses, though, the relative order of letters versus special characters.

    Yes it does. Uppercase come before underscore come before lowercase in lexicographic order. If Notepad++ is capitalizing all letters to sort ignoring case, then it will put letters before underscore. If PowerShell is lowercasing all letters, it will put letters after underscore.

  • 2 Votes
    16 Posts
    Mark OlsonM

    Disregard the version I posted in my previous post. It is bugged and does not work.

    This version contains a proper working implementation of a feature in which the current word is boosted to the top if it previously occurred and is otherwise not shown.

    from Npp import * # BEGIN SETTINGS AUTOCOMPLETION_MIN_LEN = 2 # min length of word to trigger autocompletion CHARS_TO_MATCH = r'[\w_-]' # characters that can be in "words" (by default most letters, digits, underscores, and dashes) USE_LANGUAGE_IGNORECASE = True # use the document's lexer language setting for ignoring case DEFAULT_IGNORECASE = False # should case be ignored if not using language ignorecase? ENABLED_EXTENSIONS = { '', # files with no extension yet 'csv', 'txt', 'md', 'xml', 'json', 'tsv', 'log', 'dump', 'yaml', 'yml', } # only use for files with these extensions MAX_FILE_SIZE = 200_000 # do not try autocompleting for files with more bytes than this CURRENT_WORD_ONLY_IF_IN_TEXT = True # END_SETTINGS def on_match(m, ctr, ignorecase): '''increase the count of the current word by 1 if ignorecase, store only the uppercase version of each word''' word = m.group(0) if ignorecase: word = word.upper() ctr.setdefault(word, 0) ctr[word] += 1 def getWordRangeUnderCaret(): '''get the start and end of the word under the caret''' pos = editor.getCurrentPos() word_start_pos = editor.wordStartPosition(pos, True) word_end_pos = editor.wordEndPosition(pos, True) return word_start_pos, word_end_pos def getExtension(fname): for ii in range(len(fname) - 1, -1, -1): if fname[ii] == '.': break if ii == 0: return '' return fname[ii + 1:] def onCharInsert(notif): '''Find all words in the document prefixed by the word under the caret and show those words for autocompletion sorted by their frequency. Ignore words with length less than AUTOCOMPLETION_MIN_LEN. May ignore the case of words based on the lexer language (e.g., will ignore case in SQL but not in Python)''' if editor.getLength() > MAX_FILE_SIZE: return ext = getExtension(notepad.getCurrentFilename()) if ext not in ENABLED_EXTENSIONS: return word_start_pos, word_end_pos = getWordRangeUnderCaret() word_length = word_end_pos - word_start_pos word = editor.getRangePointer(word_start_pos, word_length).strip() if word_length < AUTOCOMPLETION_MIN_LEN: return ctr = {} # anything preceded by a non-word-char and starting with the current word match_pat = '(?<!{0}){1}({0}*)'.format(CHARS_TO_MATCH, word) ignorecase = DEFAULT_IGNORECASE if USE_LANGUAGE_IGNORECASE: ignorecase = editor.autoCGetIgnoreCase() else: editor.autoCSetIgnoreCase(ignorecase) if ignorecase: # match case-insenstively if that's the language default match_pat = '(?i)' + match_pat editor.research(match_pat, lambda m: on_match(m, ctr, ignorecase)) if CURRENT_WORD_ONLY_IF_IN_TEXT: if ignorecase: upword = word.upper() if upword in ctr: if ctr[upword] > 1: # word earlier in text, move to front ctr[upword] = 10_000_000_000 else: del ctr[upword] # word not in text, remove elif word in ctr: if ctr[word] > 1: ctr[word] = 10_000_000_000 else: del ctr[word] autocomp = sorted(ctr, key = lambda x: ctr[x], reverse=True) autocomp_str = ' '.join(autocomp) editor.autoCShow(word_length, autocomp_str) if __name__ == '__main__': try: CALLBACK_ADDED except NameError: CALLBACK_ADDED = 1 editor.callback(onCharInsert, [SCINTILLANOTIFICATION.CHARADDED])
  • Add Setting in Preferences | Searching

    0 Votes
    2 Posts


    Could you please add a new setting

    This is a Community of Notepad++ users. We cannot change the codebase here. See “FAQ: Feature Request”

    ☐ Show Incremental Search at program startup

    It’s not a bad idea, but since Notepad++ remembers a bunch of toggles in the View menu, I’d probably just prefer that Notepad++ just remember whether or not you have Search > Incremental Search active (like it does for remembering the current state of View > Show Symbol > xxx or other View menu toggles).

    ☐ Incremental Search bar … Match Word

    Also a good idea.

    could you get a version working on Linux

    That’s been made pretty clear: https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/wiki/FAQ#support-for-systems-other-than-the-ms-windows-family

  • Greek encoding

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Denis DenisD

    Finally worked after enabled directwrite.

  • Changing the color of a letter in user defined language

    0 Votes
    2 Posts


    I want to change the color of the letters X, Y, and Z (each a different new color).

    Then put them into three different keyword lists, and set a different color for each. It looks like you’re not using keywords 5, 6, 7, or 8, so you’ve got four keyword sets remaining, and have three terms that you want in three different colors. It seems like a natural fit to put X in Keywords 5, Y in Keywords 6, and Z in Keywords 7.