• How do you access the offline help?

    2 Votes
    9 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @CityguyUSA said in How do you access the offline help?:

    That’s dumb. How much effort does that involve? It’s a link.

    WHAT’S dumb?

    If you don’t know what you’re talking about, perhaps best not to talk.

  • Issues Using NPP When There Are Spaces In File/Path

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    I haven’t looked at the videos as I don’t tend to do links to 3rd party sites I haven’t heard of. But…these type of issues usually come down to a double-quoting problem of some sort. If a filepath contains one or more spaces, it must be double-quoted at the time it reaches Notepad++'s command line.

    The command line that N++ was run with is shown in the “Debug Info” so Mark’s advice about providing it is solid.

    using my file manager’s context menu edit

    This leads me to believe the problem is NOT related to N++'s own Explorer context menu (which is in itself new and has been causing users various problems).

  • Unicode in shortcuts.xml

    0 Votes
    7 Posts

    @Alan-Kilborn @Stefan-Travis said in Unicode in shortcuts.xml:

    to insert a unicode bullet character
    think the forum changed your first thing from entity notation to the real character. People have been putting spaces between each character to avoid this when posting, reference & # x 2 0 2 2 ; usage above.

    Ops… I didn’t notice… than let me reformulate whit corrections:
    To insert a unicode bullet character did you already tried to use directly the bullet into the macro instead of its entity? In other words you might want to try to transform the Replace parameter from

    "$1• "
    "$1• "
    Restart notepad and execute the macro.
    Now the Npp macrosystem supports unicode.

  • Plugins Portable version

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    It happens to me too every time: in my case it is due to the operative system that blocks access to non secure files coming form the web.

    How I solve it: after unzipping the downloaded zipped file I go to notepad++.exe file and click on it with right mouse button and on the menus that pops up click on Properties. On the Properties dialog that appears right after I check if it is present a similar message I enclosed into the red stroke (of course it will be in your language)
    Follows a screenshot:


    The I click on on the button to unlock the file.
    Than I confirm and the dialog. Right after I go to the Updater directory and do the same passages with gup.exe and libcurl.dll. Now plugins get installed. Also sometimes could be needed to set a proxy from Notepad menu > ? > Proxy settings. But in my case this is not needed.
    About that I can’t be sure for your specific situation though.

  • Need Help Rename, Edit, *.json File

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    Hi folks, thank you very much for the quick help.

    Tery’s solution worked right away, Thank you!

    I’ll try the other suggestions at the next opportunity. Thank you all!

  • replace character with multiple spaces

    0 Votes
    8 Posts

    Hi, @black_cat, @alan-kilborn, @mark-olson, @wonkawilly and All,

    And here is on other way to achieve your goal, @black_cat !

    In your current working tab or in a new tab, type in the following string, on a new line ( )

    To verify if you get the right number of spaces, just double-click inside the parentheses gap

    Select all this line, with the two parentheses

    Hit the Ctrl + H shortcut ( Replace dialog )

    => The Find what: zone should be populated with that string

    Click on the small button, with the two UP and DOWN arrows, close to the Find and Replace zones => The ( ) string should have moved to the REPLACE zone !

    Then, type in ad in the Find what: zone

    Select the Regular expression search mode    ( IMPORTANT )

    And… enjoy ;-))

    In the replacement part, you may, as well, use a composite text like, for instance :

    ( This is a test ! )

    Best Regards,


  • using regex to identify and insert full path

    0 Votes
    8 Posts
    Tat UbuT



  • [Npp bug] Menu anomalous behavior when changing Npp Localization

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    Sorry, I wrote the plugin name wrong: I installed NPPTextFX2 from https://github.com/rainman74/NPPTextFX2 using Plugin Admin.
    NPPTextFX2 only is available into Plugin Admin.
    My mistake.

  • Cursor offset, hard to work with Notpad++

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @GerhardKreuzer said in Cursor offset, hard to work with Notpad++:

    Its hard to edit text files which this editor, sorry.

    Then you are doing something wrong.

    Here is a video screen capture of me moving the caret (the vertical typing bar) after the n, after the r, and after the space, and hitting the DELETE key each time (and undo each). All three delete the character to the right of the caret, as they are supposed to.

    As a reminder, DELETE deletes the key to the right of the caret; BACKSPACE deletes the character to the left of the caret.

    Idea: there is Settings > Preferences > Editing configuration in the section Caret Settings. It defaults to Width: 1, but I am wondering if you have Width: Block After selected instead. If you do that, the caret before the r will look like this:

  • Tab Changed appearance on update

    0 Votes
    11 Posts

    I found I am able to change the color through using customized tones, please see the screenshot.
    I can take it from here, thank you both!

  • Order of switching documents

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    See the user manual HERE for an explanation.

  • VScode CTRL+P equivalent

    0 Votes
    9 Posts

    @Michael-Vincent Nice plugin. I installed it, and it works fine. Just a minor issue: by default, Ctrl-P is assigned to two commands: “Print” and “Quick Open”.

    The quick fix is to open Notepad++'s shortcut mapper, and assign a different key to one of these commands (either “Print” in the
    “Main menu” tab, or “Quick Open” in the “Plugin commands”).

  • Function List not work to show list of JavaScript Functions

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Lycan ThropeL

    @Wira-Djingga-Media ,

    Possibly because that file you have showing in the panel is titled index.php and not index.js ?

    A picture will not help anyone understand anything, except that you may be expecting syntax highlighting from one language to show in the syntax highlighting of another language. Check yourself, and read the FAQ’s at the begining of the forums to learn how to format text and ask your question.

    Since I don’t use php, I can’t confirm or deny that this type of behavior is normal, so it will be up to someone else to verify if my diagnosis is correct or flawed, but from what I’ve seen, standard practice is that the language that is used to syntax highlight a code file, is dependent upon the file extension. Someone else will also have to paste the relevant links to FAQ’s as I don’t have them as nicely layed out as @PeterJones does in his responses. :-)

  • 0 Votes
    5 Posts


    Yes, I was and I suppose I still am. That happened because a while ago I posted a very long and elaborated proposal of mine aimed to improve Npp Search and Replace dialog (it still is online) and I spread the word posting some invitations to other users to read that post because I reputed it interesting even for others not only for me.

    Than other users told me that I was mistaken doing so (about those invitations I posted) consequntially the day after or so (I don’t remember exacly), I deleted all posts I made in such an occasion because I didn’t want to be punished just for a venial sin, but I was banned anyway. Patience, it happens.

    I am still young and I was (and still am) very thrilled to be free in speeching (writing actually) and spreading ideas to improve Npp itself, wich is in principle a great shared projet by an international and varigated Comunity that overcomes local differencis to collaborate on a comon and noble objective.

    Of course my behavior didn’t mean any offence for anybody, but you know, I live in a Nation where there is freedom of speech, writing and so on as well as freedom of sharing and spreading ideas among others especially if aimed at the common good, and at that time I didn’t know yet that on Github (or maybe just in that project?) there was not such kind of freedom of posting for spreading ideas: so I didn’t see it coming especially from Npp Project space.

    In fact if I am not mistaken even Npp defended freedom and indipendence and other noble right in multiple occasions and because of that I felt free of sharing and spreading my ideas too, for improving Npp, as the example given by themselves in multiple occasions as for example.

    Notepad++ 8.4 (Stand up for Ukraine)
    Notepad++ 8.3.3 (Make Apps, not war)
    Notepad++ 8.3.2 (Declare variables, not war)
    Notepad++ 8.3.1 (Boycott Beijing 2022)
    Notepad++ 8.3 (Boycott Beijing 2022)
    Notepad++ 7.9.2: (Stand with Hong Kong)
    Notepad++ 7.9.1: (pour Samuel Paty)
    Notepad++ 7.9: (Stand with Hong Kong)
    Notepad++ 7.8.9: Stand with Hong Kong
    Notepad++ 7.8.3: (Free Uyghur)
    Notepad++ 7.8.2: (Free Uyghur)
    Notepad++ 7.8.1: (Free Uyghur)
    Notepad++ 7.6.2 (Gilet Jaune Edition)
    Notepad++ 6.7.4 (Je suis Charlie edition)
    Notepad++ 6.6.4 (Tiananmen June Fourth Incident Edition)

    And I suppose even in other occasions and also I believe those initiatives really respectable.

    Of course you can immagine I was in good faith and I did not mean doing nothing offensive for anybody.

    I only hope I will not be banned for life just for that venial sin, but I can’t say for sure: after all every one has the right to admin its own online space at the best of own possibilities. And this too is a right and an act of freedom after all. So no hard feelings for that misadventure: as I sad some times it happens.

  • Recovering after modified by another program

    0 Votes
    13 Posts
    Lycan ThropeL

    @mkupper ,
    The user has that choice, by selecting the appropriate Settings->Preferences->Backup dialog choices. In particular if they enable Verbose Backup , they can get to have time stamped backups.

    In my IDE, situation, anytime a file is changed, the backup is saved, so I have the option already in my IDE to be able to undo the last saved changes. That’s something any computer user needs to learn right off the bat, and coddling neophytes by doing it for them, does not benefit them, in the long run. They would still be oblivious to the realities of computing. In addition, most (and I emphasize, MOST) users of NPP are not that oblivious to computing practices. The ones that are, need to learn, or they will continuer to make mistakes and blame the world and the author of the software.

  • Compare files

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    There are comparison plugins, ComparePlus comes to mind.
    See Plugins menu > Plugins Admin…

  • Function List able to show PHP Comments?

    0 Votes
    12 Posts
    Stephan Romhart 0S

    @MAPJe71 Thank you!

  • 0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Maarten-Klap ,

    See my answer to this very similar post, because the concept behind the reason it’s not working for you is the same as for that other user.

  • delete entries with different termination and add a line to those entries

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Nuno-Paulo ,

    Unfortunately, your post uses inconsistent indentation, and the forum interprets some, but not all, as putting it into a forum code box. Next time, make sure you paste your text exactly, then highlight all the pasted text in your post, then click the forum’s </> toolbar button, so that it all ends up in the same box with correct indentation.

    Your use of “termination” is too vague for me to be able to guess what you mean. And you don’t tell us how to know where “status off” should be added, or how to know what constitutes “an entry”

    It would be really nice if you showed before and after data in separate text boxes (using the </> button), like,


    one block two blocks three blocks


    1 block 2 blocks 3 blocks

    If we were to try to guess what you intended, it’s likely to be wrong, thus wasting both our time and yours. Good luck.


    Useful References Please Read Before Posting Template for Search/Replace Questions Formatting Forum Posts Notepad++ Online User Manual: Searching/Regex FAQ: Where to find other regular expressions (regex) documentation
  • How to macro task " find in files"

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Tam-LE ,

    Macro recording for searches records the text of the search – it doesn’t notice that you pasted the text into the search field. Sorry. I don’t think a macro is powerful enough for what you want.

    There are scripting plugins, which bring the full power of your favorite scripting/programming language (Python, Lua, JS,…). If you have a preference, I’d suggest installing that plugin and writing a script in that language that runs the appropriate Notepad++ commands. If you don’t know any of those languages, and if someone has enough details from you and enough time and interest, they might be willing to write a quick script for the PythonScript plugin (the most commonly-used scripting plugin in this forum) – but you will have to be more specific as to what you mean by each of your steps, because there’s lots of ambiguity. (For example, you said, “first text value” – but is that a character, a word, a line, a paragraph, a … Each of your brief phrases is way too short for anyone else to be able to help you translate that into code.) Actually, if you have saved your macro, then exit Notepad++, then open %AppData%\Notepad++\shortcuts.xml, and go to your saved macro, and copy all that XML and paste it in here, then select the text in your post and click the forum’s </> button to wrap it so it shows up in a plain text / code box – with the contents of your existing macro, we can get rid of all ambiguity about what you are selecting and copying, and I think there are a some of the regulars here with the skill to both read that macro and to translate those same ideas into PythonScript.