@PeterJones Yes but the example you showed all the na’s were the same color. In your example all three of the na’s in different locations were all orange.
I’m trying to set the na function to another color and all the other na’s be orange.
in your example you have the function as orange. I need it to be blue but I still need the na, na, na, and the = na to be orange.
the result I’m looking for would look like this.
Screenshot 2023-06-03 133744.png
It may also be a limitation like with the numbers that I’ll just have to live with it being the same color which is fine if that’s the case it doesn’t have to be identical to the tradingview editor.
I’ve added na in two locations in the keywords section. One in the main keywords that stores all the functions which are blue. Then I’ve added it again in another keyword section that is pinkish color and using the () delimiter it works great as long as the na’s are inside the () but the ones outside are blue so it’s probably just a limitation that I’ll have to live with since the na’s that are functions are also outside of the ().
as far as the numbers issue I can always change the way I am coding and stop using numbers in the variables and type them out like one, two, three if that truly bothers me. it’s not really a big issue. It is super cool the stuff you can do with notepad++ I do enjoy learning this stuff.
EDIT: after removing the () delimiter that I was only using for the na that fixed the issue with the numbers not working. All the numbers show up as they should now. I’ll just live with all the na’s being one color it’s not too big of an issue for me.