• How to compare two .php files in Notepad

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Irek ,

    Use the ComparePlus plugin.

  • Color next to line number

    0 Votes
    7 Posts
    C TC

    @PeterJones Thank you very much, resolved

  • 1 Votes
    42 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @PeterJones said:

    It does stay off, unless you have multiple instances open simultaneously. In which case, as has always been the case, settings changes do not propagate from one instance to a different, already-open instance, and only one instance has authority to write its configuration to disk. This is nothing new.

    User manual REFERENCE for this for @rebber2.

  • User-defined language is ignored since 8.4.6

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Lycan ThropeL

    @PeterJones ,

    I need to upgrade my version also, but I’ve just recently noted that using NPP to open a file one has right-clicked on and selected NPP to use, that it pulls up the new file, which it’s supposed to, but have noticed also, that when I switch to the previous document that came up with the right-clicked file, that my dBASEPlus UDL’s autoCompletion was not working on that file…until NPP is closed and then opened itself…and then the file would work with the autoCompletion again. Was going to write about it, but I’ll upgrade first and see it’s fixed according to your post. Thanks.

  • Find and Replace specific word in strings that start with...

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    What you are looking has been dealt with before; see if THIS POST makes sense to you in regards to how it is accomplished. Ask further questions here if needed.

  • How to silently deploy v8.4.x

    0 Votes
    7 Posts



    So there is a “glue code in .onInit” possibility to overcome this sensitivity. But this needs a PR.

  • Mark spesific lines before a suffix

    0 Votes
    5 Posts


    okay, thank you bro

  • 0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @PeterJones Thank you very much for such detailed explanation. You are right the crux of the problem was the fact I confused what was N++ functionality and what was that of the plug-in (you know how it goes, I installed that plug-in many years, it all just worked with every N++ update, so I did not give a thought to it).

    Upon realising my mistake, I was able to fix it myself using information on the page of the manual you referred to (the xml-file was in the old format, in deed, so the icon set look got back to what I want it to be as soon as I edited the file in accordance with provided guidelines).

    Thank you again, you have been most helpful!

  • List Flushing

    0 Votes
    7 Posts

    @Zaine-Pittman ,

    what I want my website’s lists to look like

    Wait! So are you saying you are trying to change what your website looks like? That is, that you want to control how a browser controls the rendering of your HTML? No setting in Notepad++ will change how the browser renders your HTML. You need to find an HTML help site to teach you how to affect the presentation of <ol> and <ul> on HTML websites. Notepad++ cannot change how your website is rendered. The settings Alan and I were talking about are purely controlling how Notepad++ will render a list when it is editing the file.

  • Find Lines starting with #

    0 Votes
    8 Posts
    Eric CoxE

    That worked. You are the best!!!

  • Can't see arrow on style configurator- too dark

  • How to COMPLETELY undo Dark Mode?

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    David Brigden52D

    @John-Humkey said in How to COMPLETELY undo Dark Mode?:

    the icons at the top (3rd line) are now wireframe, even when I turn Dark Mode off.
    Ok, that ticked me off, but I was living with it.

    You don’t have to live with it, you just have to manually change your toolbar back to the standard icons.

    Go to Settings -> Preferences. -> General (Preferences should start with the General section) and there is a Toolbar group of radio buttons. Change from whichever FluentUI icons you have (Probably FluentUI: Small) to Standard Icons: Small

  • Patching Type

    -1 Votes
    5 Posts
    Lolli NisbetL

    @PeterJones Thank you that answers it :)

  • Someone can help me?

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Mate-Kikolashvili ,

    why this tags showing on website?

    It sounds like you are asking something like “I have the code mentioned in the screenshot, but when I uploaded it to my webserver and look at it with my browser, I see the raw code rather than seeing a normal webpage. Why is this?” The answer is probably one of two answers: 1) Because you didn’t name the file right. Or (2) you didn’t set up the website server right.

    And the question would have the same answer whether you happened to type your HTML using Notepad++ or MS Notepad or copy con > filename. Since it doesn’t matter what editor you used for the typing, this question is not an appropriate question for a Notepad++ forum, and is off-topic here.

    If you have more questions about how to set up a webserver and/or properly name website files, find a forum about web development.

    If you have any questions that are specifically about Notepad++ itself, feel free to ask them in this forum.

  • Am I going mad? Yes.

    1 Votes
    5 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @Another-github-user-2 said in Am I going mad? Yes.:

    Had pasted the RegEx in to Microsoft Teams wiki for future reference, then copied it back out. Apparently Teams inserts a number of U+200B ZERO WIDTH SPACE [ZWSP] characters after every opening brace.

    So what is the conclusion here?

    Teams is at fault for adding things into your data that you didn’t want

    Notepad++ is at fault for not showing you this extra stuff

    something else?

  • how to add more then 1024 new lines at once?

    0 Votes
    21 Posts

    @Paul-Wormer said in how to add more then 1024 new lines at once?:

    @PeterJones Maybe the following is a useful clarifying remark to your solution. Because I did not know the word “pilcrow”, I googled it and found that it is the technical term for “paragraph sign” (¶). I presume that more non-native speakers of English besides myself don’t know it. One can enter the symbol by hitting alt-20 (2 and 0 on the numeric keypad while keeping alt pressed).

    I’m sorry. I thought in context, where I had 15 ¶ symbols in the replacement, followed by the description that the replacement put in 15 pilcrow symbols, that it would correlate the ¶ symbol with the word “pilcrow”, even if as a non-native or native English speaker you did not know that technical term.

    Also, one can get the “pilcrow” / “paragraph sign” by copy/pasting the exact sequences I used in my post. (I personally have windows builtin charmap.exe as one of my saved Notepad++ Run-menu entries so that I can easily run the charmap to find fancy characters while typing in Notepad++… and I have a script set up in PythonScript that will convert sequences like \0xXXXX or \u+XXXX into the unicode character at the hex codepoint XXXX.

  • 0 Votes
    7 Posts


    If your langauge is called MyCoolLanguage, then all you need in the EnhanceAnyLexer config is

    [MyCoolLanguage] 0xcccccc = ‹.*?›

    I just set mine to the default “User Defined Language”, which needs [udf] as the config-file header, but this shows it working:

  • Replace pattern not working correctly

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    You could obtain a group one in your find string by changing it to: (?<=\x20{6})(.*)$

  • In my picture, what is the bar on the left?

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
  • Combining offset lines

    0 Votes
    6 Posts
    Neil SchipperN

    @Brennan-OBrien said in Combining offset lines:

    changing the last {4} to {5} and {6} respectively solved it

    Good to hear. It could also have been dealt with by using {4,6} which would handle all 3 cases in one go. (Speaking of which, with this problem fresh in your mind, it might be a good time to peruse the regex documentation just enough to identify the pieces that were used in the solution expressions.)