• 0 Votes
    5 Posts

    Thanks. This works perfectly for my needs.

    Thanks for the suggestion and the props.

  • How to highlight the Duplicate numbers in Notepad++

    0 Votes
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    Jinko SolarJ

    Sir, O.K.

  • All my tabs are gone now...

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Thanks @Ekopalypse Appreciate your help. You saved me a lot of time and headache.

  • change text value where <cd> is

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @rajesh-kumar said:

    thank u its working

    Glad to help.

    i have same problem with another data

    Then try a similar solution. Instead of searching for things inside of <cd>...</cd>, you’re looking for things that come after a prefix like "count": or "amount":. Even if you know nothing about regular expressions, you should be able to look at the regular expression I had defined before and have an attempt at it… it might not work right away, but you need to at least try. I’ll give you two more hints, because it’s buried a few links down in the regex documentation: the .* implies “any number of characters” in the regex, so you might want to use that when searching for any number of characters after your prefix. And the (?i-s) at the start of the regex is just making some settings to make it case insensitive, and to make sure that .* doesn’t wrap across lines. So using those two free gifts, you should be able to add in the permanent text that will look for one of your prefixes followed by any number of characters.

    Note that based on your response – where you ignored the advice about how to format a post so that we can read the data, and to avoid getting real quotes translated into smart quotes; and a post where you ignore my advice of “many of us will expect you to show what data you have (exactly), what data you want (exactly), what regex you already tried (to show that you’re showing effort)” – it’s appearing like you want us to do your work and research for you, rather than learning; at this point, it seems you are treating this forum like a free-consultancy board, rather than a forum to help you learn how to use the tool yourself. Please correct that mis-understanding of this forum, or you’ll quickly grow disappointed.

    Your first post got a free complete answer. For this one, I’m going to make you show effort (and I hope the other forum members do as well) before I give you any more complete answers. Before giving you any more explicit help, I will expect you to show that you’ve at least read the entirety of my first post – you can show this by re-posting your data, properly formatted; and by showing us what regex you tried (ie, a modified version of my original regex, showing that you’re looking for a prefix, followed by the rest of the line), what you think that regex should do, and show how your data didn’t change the way you expected when you ran your regex. This was all advice to you in the first post, which you apparently ignored. However, If you show even that much effort in your next reply – even if you haven’t availed yourself of reading the regex FAQ that was linked, and some of the pages linked in the FAQ – I’ll be willing to give more help.

  • 0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Yes, thats the same. Havent seen that npp is on github. Thanks for that information.

  • User defined language - contractions vs single quotes

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Jim DaileyJ

    @JBird1977 Have you tried using delimiter 1 style for “strings” and delimiter 2 style for ‘strings’?

  • Cannot get Compare plugin to load

    0 Votes
    15 Posts
    Robert DeGulielmoR

    For me, this turned out to be a firewall issue. We block certain outbound services that are not business necessary. Some plugins install fine, but Compare did not until I made an exception for my workstation. github comes up as “Hacking/software downloads”. So something else to check if you are baffled why Compare won’t install and have tried all of the excellent advice in this post.

  • I can not save my files correctly

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Gustavo MartinezG

    Now yesssss, thank you very much!!! andrecool-68

  • Finding and replacing all data between two points?

    0 Votes
    26 Posts

    Hi Joey,

    Thanks for your kind words ! You said :

    Is there any way I can make it up to you?

    Thanks, but I don’t need anything !! I’m just pleased that the last regexes are the good ones for your specific file !

    This is the main point, indeed ! Regexes are very, very, very sensitive to text layout. So, once I’ve built up some regex for an OP, based on his provided examples, the OP should not add, delete or modify anything of the original text, in the meanwhile, as, probably, the regex will not work anymore ;-))

    As far as possible, anyone, asking for regex solutions, should consider all cases of text layouts, of the original file to modify ;-))

    It’s generally, not so obvious, and, in my personal work, I simply create successive versions of the regex to get a final version which handles all reasonable cases !

    I say reasonable ( and not possible ) because, sometimes, we can’t think about all the possibilities and, anyway, this could lead to an huge and useless regex ;-))

    Best Regards


  • 0 Votes
    8 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @andrecool-68 said:

    Control shot

    At least it appears he is properly attired, with the helmet, for said “control shot”.

  • how do I backup my macros?

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @Keith-Albert said:

    not seeing the ones I created.

    Well, running a Windows application through a translation layer like WINE or similar on Linux will add a layer of obfuscation, so it’s going to be harder for us to guess where your translation layer put things. It might help if you said whether you use WINE or something different; then someone else who has direct experience with that setup might be able to be more explicit in their help.

    What I do know is that in Windows, there are two normal locations for shortcuts.xml: for a normal install, it goes in %AppData%\Notepad++\shortcuts.xml, and in a portable (“zip” or “7z”, “local conf mode”) edition, it just goes in the same directory as notepad++.exe. I would assume your translation layer would rename %AppData%\Notepad++ to something else more linuxy, but I don’t know what.

    If you look at Notepad++'s ? menu, at the Debug Info entry, you can Copy debug info into clipboard and paste it here; that would tell us whether Notepad++ thinks you are in standard-install or local-conf-mode, and might give more hints as to where it’s stored.

  • URLs don't open

    0 Votes
    7 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    I certainly wasn’t intending on doing an exhaustive comparison of N++ and M$-Word for this feature. LOL

    I guess it falls into the category of “just how it works” in N++. TBH I never thought too much about it, just got used to how it is. :)

  • File auto-save function?

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    Some plugins are developed before there is time for the core developers to put it in the app itself. At that point, developers shrug and say, “why bother?”

  • find, replace and Capitalize All First Letters...

    0 Votes
    2 Posts


    select the words and if you haven’t reconfigured default shortcuts then press ALT+U,
    otherwise goto menu edit->convert case to->proper case

  • Delete to EOL

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Jon AppelberghJ

    Thanks Peter, that is doing what I needed.

  • 3 Votes
    34 Posts

    @guy038 said:

    I just hope that these two regex S/R work nice, too, on your VERY BIG unordered ASN data list ;-))

    Delighted to confirm that your hack (the first one) delivered a proper sort of the large listing (AS7552).

    If you’re curious my kit took some 48sec compared to the inconsistent ‘results’ provided by 7.7.1 in (what would’ve normally have been) about a second.

    Thank you @guy038 for providing that workaround to the native code’s flawed 7.7.1 …for which I await a fix.

  • Need to Move the macros

    0 Votes
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  • 0 Votes
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    For the Author of the question, the direct route to this page is:

  • PHP syntax not highliting when inside other language string (ver 7.7)

    0 Votes
    10 Posts
    David WZD

    @Ekopalypse Yes it is, I didn’t see it.

  • Find and Replace in multiple subdirectories

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    So then in the Find in Files tab of the Find window, you would locate a checkbox for “subfolders” and tick it. Then you would specify C:\Users\LG\Desktop\Folder1\ as the “directory”…

    When you get it all set up, you press the Replace in Files button…