Hi Joey,
Thanks for your kind words ! You said :
Is there any way I can make it up to you?
Thanks, but I don’t need anything !! I’m just pleased that the last regexes are the good ones for your specific file !
This is the main point, indeed ! Regexes are very, very, very sensitive to text layout. So, once I’ve built up some regex for an OP, based on his provided examples, the OP should not add, delete or modify anything of the original text, in the meanwhile, as, probably, the regex will not work anymore ;-))
As far as possible, anyone, asking for regex solutions, should consider all cases of text layouts, of the original file to modify ;-))
It’s generally, not so obvious, and, in my personal work, I simply create successive versions of the regex to get a final version which handles all reasonable cases !
I say reasonable ( and not possible ) because, sometimes, we can’t think about all the possibilities and, anyway, this could lead to an huge and useless regex ;-))
Best Regards