• Office .doc file can not be read or edited

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Gogo NeatzaG

    Try first Windows Accessories - WordPad (a.k.a. Write).
    It can open , edit, print doc or docx files.

    If WordPad is not good enough you should follow MAPJe71’s advice or
    find another computer with Microsoft Office (2003, 2007 or better).

  • Running Notepad++ on Mac OSX w/Wine, how can I run Python prgms?

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Claudia FrankC


    I assume your goal is to see the result of your python scripts immediately.
    If so, then using NppExec plugin seems to be the only reliable way to do if you
    install the python 3.6 msi packages as well.

    You cannot use NppExec (running on windows level) with MacOS Python installation
    and having output shown in NppExec console window.

    There are two main issues here, first wine doesn’t wait for a “native” process end,
    it will return immediately after start and that means you most likely miss the output from the python script.
    Second, pipeing between windows pipes and unix pipes doesn’t really work - I always got strange results.
    The most successful version was to use a tcp server on linux and tcp client on wine (python script plugin).

    So if you want to run your python scripts with your OS python installation you need to call them manually.

    What I do in such a case is to have a proxy script and using clipboard module.
    If script has been written and saved, right-click on tab to save full current path to clipboard,
    switch to the terminal and call the proxy script which basically ready the clipboard and
    executes the file via execfile.


  • code snippet store / insert

    1 Votes
    3 Posts
  • What is the max file size for V7x64?

    0 Votes
    10 Posts
    Scott SumnerS


    If you don’t need to change (“edit”) these large files, why not just use a “viewer” that specializes in big files, e.g. glogg ?

    Scintilla is an editing component that is embedded in Notepad++; really, it’s the heart of it. It can’t be “turned off”.

  • M$ Surface RT and Notepad++

  • (partial) path as tab bar text?

    1 Votes
    4 Posts
    Scott SumnerS

    @Andrew-Gilbertson said:

    not quite the “at a glance” feature

    Right, for sure, that’s why I said “not much help”.

    There may be some merit in the suggestion (for an option) to show one level of containing folder on the tabs. I like it. +1
    Any more than one level, though, and the tabs probably get so wide they are unwieldy.

  • open with starts uninstall

    0 Votes
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    No one has replied
  • Regex for mixed A/L characters in words

    0 Votes
    14 Posts

    Hello, @maknol, @peterjones, and All

    Here are two regexes, which could be useful to you :

    (?-i)\u+ will match any non null sequence of Cyrillic Capital letter(s)

    (?-i)(?<=\l|\u)(\d+|[[:punct:]]+)(?=\l|\u) will look for any non-null sequence of digit(s) OR punctuation character(s), ONLY IF surrounded, both, before and after with a letter, whatever its case

    Then, each occurrence found could be, easily :

    Converted to lower-case ( Ctrl + U )

    Converted to upper-case ( Ctrl + Shift + U )

    Deleted ( Delete )

    You may also combine the two regexes, above, in the single regex, below :


    However, due to some bugs with backward assertions of the Boost regex engine, used by N++, it may miss some occurrences

    Just test, on the text below, the two individual regexes, above, first, then, the global one to see the slight differences :

    аbc33def abc//DEf aBC33def aBC//DEf ' english абв33где абв//ГДе аБВ33где аБВ//ГДе ' cyrillic

    Now, @maknol, which kind of symbols are you expecting within words ? For a few amount of these symobls, we could restrict the matches, let’s say, to digits and the / symbol, for instance ?

    And regarding the differences between the case conversions :

    Proper Case and Proper Case (blend)

    Sentence case and Sentence case (blend)

    just looks at that example, below :

    ---------------------------------------- INITIAL text ----------------------------------------------------------------- GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE abc aBc abC aBC Abc ABc AbC ABC 0000 everyone is permitted to copy and DisTRIbute verbatim copies of this License DOCUment. but changing it is NOT allowed. ^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^ ^^^ ---------------------------------------- Proper Case -------------- ( Alt + U ) --------------------------------------- Gnu General Public License Abc Abc Abc Abc Abc Abc Abc Abc 0000 Everyone Is Permitted To Copy And Distribute Verbatim Copies Of This License Document. But Changing It Is Not Allowed. ---------------------------------------- Proper Case (blend) ------ ( Alt + Shift + U ) ------------------------------- GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Abc ABc AbC ABC Abc ABc AbC ABC 0000 Everyone Is Permitted To Copy And DisTRIbute Verbatim Copies Of This License DOCUment. But Changing It Is NOT Allowed. ---------------------------------------- Sentence case ------------ ( Ctrl + Alt + U ) -------------------------------- Gnu general public license Abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc 0000 Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document. But changing it is not allowed. ---------------------------------------- Sentence case (blend) ---- ( Ctrl + Alt + Shift + U ) ------------------------ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Abc aBc abC aBC Abc ABc AbC ABC 0000 Everyone is permitted to copy and DisTRIbute verbatim copies of this License DOCUment. But changing it is NOT allowed.

    From above, Peter and All, it’s easy to deduct that :

    The Proper Case command UPPER-cases the first letter of each word and LOWER-cases all the other letters of each word

    The Proper Case (blend) command UPPER-cases the first letter of each word and did NOT change the case of all the other letters of each word

    The Sentence case command UPPER-cases the first letter of each sentence and LOWER-cases all the other letters of each sentence

    The Sentence case (blend) command UPPER-cases the first letter of each sentence and did NOT change the case of all the other letters of each sentence

    Best Regards,


  • Bookmark multiple lines.

    0 Votes
    25 Posts


    Unfortunately I’m not sure if that’s the cause of issues with LuaScript running on XP. I know that the plugin itself doesn’t use that type of function call. I’m not sure if the Lua interpreter does underneath…if so it’s probably not something I care to dig into.

  • Trim xml attribute

    0 Votes
    7 Posts


    Thanks again Scott.
    You have been of great help.

  • closed files reopen when notepad++ is opened

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Kirylyn DreamerK

    I don’t appear to have a session.xml file.

    is that is what’s causing the problem?

  • Find in selected text.

    0 Votes
    7 Posts

    Hi, @Scott-sumner,

    As for me, Scott, the Ctrl + Shift + 0 shortcut works as expected ! Just a remark : After several hits on the Ctrl + 0 shortcut, I noticed that the FIRST Ctrl + Shift + 0 action, moves cursor from the end to the beginning of the current marked range selected :-))

    And later hits on Ctrl + Shift + 0 matches, in upwards direction, previous marked zones, with the caret, normally, at beginning of each selection !



  • Append third row of text to a find replace?

    0 Votes
    9 Posts

    Hello, @Matthew-suhajda, and All,

    Pleased to hear that it worked fine ! Just for information :

    Regarding the first S/R :

    SEARCH (?-s)^(?:.*\R){2}(.+)(?s).+

    REPLACE $0\r\n\1

    The modifier (?-s) means that, further dots will match any single character, only

    Then, the part ^(?:.*\R){2} looks for the first two lines, with their EOL chars, in a non capturing group

    Now, the part (.+) stores, as group 1, the next 3rd line, without its End of Line characters

    Finally, the (?s).+ syntax catches all remaining text from End of Line characters of line 3

    In replacement, due to the $0 syntax, it re-writes, first, the entire matched text ( = file contents ), followed with a Windows line break ( \r\n ) and, finally, with the group 1 ( = The 3rd line = time stamp )

    Regarding the second S/R :

    SEARCH (?i)foo(?s)(?=.*\R(.+)\z)|(?-s)\R.+\z

    REPLACE ?1foo\x20\1

    The searched regex is made of two alternatives, separated by the alternation special character | :



    In the first alternative, the part (?i)foo tries, first, to match the foo word, in any case

    Then, the (?s)(?=.*\R(.+)\z) syntax represents an always true look-ahead, (?=......), which matches all text after the foo word, till the second to the last line ( .*\R ), and the last ( or 3rd ) line, without any line-break ( (.+)\z ), which is stored as group 1

    Near the end of each file, the second alternative, (?-s)\R.+\z, looks for the very last ( or 3rd ) line contents, till the very end of each file ( \z )

    In replacement, the ?1foo\x20\1 syntax means :

    If group 1 exists, it rewrites the entire matched string foo, followed with a space character and the time stamp ( last ) line ( \1 )

    If group 1 does not exist ( case of the second alternative ), the very last line, temporarily added, is then, simply, deleted, as no ELSE part is present in the conditional replacement ?1..... !

    Best Regards,


  • Only one Theme in Style Configurator

    1 Votes
    6 Posts

    Experienced the same problem today (Win10, installed logged in as administrator).

    Problem: User’s folder %appdata%\Notepad++\ does not contain folder themes.

    Solution: Copy the folder themes from administrator’s %appdata%\Notepad++\ and restart notepad++

  • Problem validating XML

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    Using what n++ 7.5.4 with xml tools plugin
    Syntax check is ok?

  • What format to save file to run?

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Nancy BaileyN

    In order to run code there need to be some kind of interpreter/compiler/linker available
    for your language.

    Ahhh, I suspected. I’m new to all this and was confused because in class we “ran” pseudocode programs from npp (without programming in a proper language…maybe the computers in class have a plugin or setting that I don’t on mine??) and I thought I could do the same with these modules. Thank you for your time and information!

  • View/edit two files side by side in a single NP++ instance?

    2 Votes
    4 Posts
    Tom DemlerT

    OK, I suspected there had to be a way to do this but it wasn’t obvious to me. Thanks for the quick reply.

  • How to copy some of text ?

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Claudia FrankC


    as I’m not 100% sure what you try to achieve here an assumption
    what you can probably do

    open find replace dialog, check regular expressions and put the following
    into find what field


    then goto MARK tab, check bookmark line and press mark all.

    Now you should have a lines bookmarked which satisfy the regular expression.
    Check menu Search->Bookmarks to see what you can do with those marked lines.


  • Regex: How to replace the content of a tag

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Vasile CarausV

    Search: (?:\G(?!^)|<title>)[^<]*?\K\b!\B

    Replace by: (leave a space)!

  • Slick way to remove line numbers from text

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    Hello @kent-hartland,

    Thanks for sharing this easy utility !

    However, you can achieve it, quickly enough, using regular expressions, in search/replacement, within N++ ;-))

    Open your file, in N++

    Eventually, do a normal selection of the lines to be processed

    Open the Replace dialog ( Ctrl + H)

    Type in the regex ^\h*\d+ , in the Find what: zone

    Leave the Replace with: zone EMPTY

    If you did a selection, tick the In selection option. Otherwise, tick the Wrap around option

    Select the Regular expression search mode ( IMPORTANT )

    Click on the Replace All button

    Et voilà !

    Note that this regex is, simply, an approximation of what that small utility does ! Indeed, this program :

    Considers, only, the usual latin digits ( with Unicode value, from \x{0030} to \x{0039} ) as numbers to be deleted, instead of all Unicode numbers or similar, of any language !

    Considers the first dot character ( . ), located right after a number, as a character to be deleted, too !

    Considers all possible Unicode White space character ( except for the New Line character, \x{0085} ) , between the End of Line characters of the previous line and the numbers, of the current one, as characters which have to be deleted , as well. Refer, for that topic, to :


    So, assuming you would add a line-break, at the very beginning of your file, an exact search regex could be :


    Just for information, this regex :

    First, the part (\r\n|\r|\n) tries to match some End of line character(s)

    Then, the \K syntax reset the regex engine search process and position

    Now, the part [^\S\x85]* finds the longest sequence, possibly empty, of White Space characters, different of \x{0085}

    After, the part [0-9]+ simply looks for the longest non-empty range of classical digits

    Finally, the syntax \.? searches a possible literal dot

    Remark :

    The part [^\S\x85] is difficult enough to understand : this negative class of characters [^...] represents a single character, which is DIFFERENT from, BOTH :

    Any Unicode NON-Space character ( \S )

    The New Line character ( \x{0085} )

    Best Regards,
