Hello Camilo,
In addition to the Claudia’s Search/Replacement, we could simplify and shorten a bit this S/R, as below :
Find what: ^(?:.+?,){3}\K(.+?,)(.+?), Replace with : \2 \1Notes :
^ represents the classical assertion Start of line
(?:.+?,){3} represents a non-capturing group, repeated three times, exactly, in order to go through the first three columns. This group is the smallest range of standard characters, with its comma delimiter
The \K syntax forces the regex engine to forget any previous match of the regex
So, the remainder, (.+?,)(.+?),, is the final match, which gets the 4th column along with the comma delimiter AND the 5th column, without its comma delimiter
In replacement, the syntax \2 \1 just swaps these two columns, with a space between them
As the \K form is used, your MUST perform a global replacement, clicking on the Replace All button.
The Step by Step replacement, with the Replace button, does nothing, in that specific case ( N++ bug ) !
Best regards,