• Erase what is not

    0 Votes
    10 Posts
    Raffaele PretolaniR


    That’s exactly what I was looking for.
    Thank you very much, and sorry if I wasn’t clear.


  • How to update shared copy of Notepad++

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    Responses to your earlier question did not satisfy?

  • How to change the color of the text selection?

    1 Votes
    6 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    But if you do that, remember, when you double-click a word it will still show in a combination of the two different color types.

  • Not able to save a file as .txt.

    1 Votes
    7 Posts

    Hello, @gordonradford, @alan-kilborn and All,

    Alan, you said :

    I’d also advise turning on Windows’ ability to show you the extension

    Personally, it is, always, one the my first actions, right after installing any Windows operating system ;-))

    You also said :

    Why rely on having to look to another column to determine what your file type is?

    Well, I would say that this column isn’t completely useless as it allows you to sort your files according to their file type !

    Finally, you added :

    IMO, hiding file extensions is a crazy concept

    Oh, yes, you’re a thousand times right !



  • Find All Occurrences Macro

    1 Votes
    4 Posts
    Michael VincentM

    @guy038 said in Find All Occurrences Macro:

    Why don’t you use your macro, via its shortcut ( search of TODO:|BUG:|FIX:|REFACTOR:|DONE:|INFO: ) to get one instance of the title, presently needed, and then, simply use the Ctrl + F3 or Ctrl + Shift + F3 shortcuts to move around to the next or previous similar title ?

    Thanks, and not to be rude, but that kind of defeats the purpose. Maybe I should have explained a little better. When I mean “Find all Occurrences” I want the search results window to pop up with all occurrences the same as when I:

    highlight a word press CTRL-F press “Find All in Current Document”

    By making this a macro, I can then add it to the context menu and then a right-click on any word will have a click away, “Find All Occurrences” which will open the clickable search results window.

    Hope that better explains, seems it may not be possible though. Shame the $(CURRENT_WORD) variable can be used in the shortcuts.xml file for the <UserDefinedCommands> commands section, but not the <macros> section.


  • Add number in each word by Notepad++

    1 Votes
    23 Posts


    Thank you so much. The script works very well !
    Thanks again for your precious help :)

  • Change "@" to a number, 1,2,3,4,5...

    0 Votes
    9 Posts

    @Ekopalypse said in Change "@" to a number, 1,2,3,4,5...:

    don’t expect text

    I’d phrase that as “don’t expect words”; it still decodes to ASCII characters which have meaning in the order in which they are presented, which by most definitions is “text”.

  • Replace second occurrence of a tag in multiple files

    0 Votes
    8 Posts
    Anonymous GuyA

    @PeterJones @dinkumoil @dinkumoil
    <big>Thank you!</big>
    I’ve tested all three methods you provided and all of them worked. I’ll surely save this offline and come back to it in the future and try to understand it even better. Thank you for taking the time and effort to reply in such detail to my topic, appreciate it a lot. Always amazed at how a few simple lines can make your life much easier, I’ve optimized my workflow in many ways using portable software, renamers and many other things and can edit solutions from others but sadly I’m not yet able to come up with solutions like yours from scratch. Now that I think about it maybe I can give something in return. Search for “everything” by voidtools on Google, in case you don’t know about it… it’s great for personal use or much more. It scans all your drives (or mapped network locations) relatively fast (minute or two for say single 1TB drive), creates database and than you are able to find files with search terms like part of name, or for example search “june .doc” and it will find salaryjune2019.doc from parts of file name. I use it at work to search files on over 70 TB of data. It’s free, hope you find it useful, thanks again for your help and have a great day!

  • How to replace content in many files with content from one..

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    If I read correctly, what about using something like this?

  • vector <T> too long

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
  • How to fix newline and quotation mark

    1 Votes
    8 Posts

    Hello, @Andy-Light

    Please follow below steps :

    Step 1:- Find (in regular expression mode) (.+)
    Step 2:- Replace with: "/1"
    Step 3:- This adds the quotes :

    "word1" "word2" "word3" "word4"

    Step 4:- Find (in extended mode): /r/n
    Step 5:- Replace with (with a space after the comma, not shown): ,
    Step 6:- This converts the lines into a comma-separated list:
    "word1", "word2", "word3", "word4"

    I hope above information will be useful for you.
    Thank you.

  • Remarks Bug?

    0 Votes
    2 Posts


    The batch-file lexer is part of the scintilla-component library, which is a separate project whose source code gets embedded
    in the projects that include that library. Per the Sctintilla source code included in Notepad++, LexBatch.cxx line 92,
    “// Colorize Fake Label (Comment) - :: is similar to REM, see http://content.techweb.com/winmag/columns/explorer/2000/21.htm
    According to the wayback
    for that linked article,

    What’s a “fake label?” Commonly, it’s two (or more) colons at the start of a line. The first colon makes it a label, but DOS doesn’t know what to do with the second colon, so it simply abandons the line and moves on, at high speed.

    ? So, you can, if you wish, substitute “::” for REM in your batch files

    Thus, using :: as a pseudo-REM comment is making use of the fact that any invalid label-line is ignored and processed quickly

    The official GOTO docs are very specific:

    The label within the batch program must begin with a colon (:). If a line begins with a colon, it is treated as a label and any commands on that line are ignored.

    Note, both those docs specific “start of a line” or “line begins”. After some other command and the & command separator is not the beginning of a line.

    It’s not a comment (or event a “fake label”) after another command. Technically, it’s not even a comment at the beginning of a line. The fact that the lexer treats :: as a comment-start in any situation is just a concession to how abuses of a language can become considered “features” with enough people abusing it.

    Whether you think that it’s a bug, or whether you think the compromise that the Scintilla authors used is reasonable (my camp), or whether you think that the Scintilla authors should have never allowed for the abuse of the technical batch-file definition is, however, irrelevant. The Notepad++ project takes the source code for the Scintilla component wholesale from Scintilla. If you want a change in the built-in batch-file parser, you will have to check the Scintilla bug list and feature tracker; then, if you can convince the Scintilla team to incorporate your bug-fix or improvement, and an updated Scintilla version is released, you can then create a Notepad++ issue to request that Notepad++ update its Scintilla version. That process may take a while, especially if you have to try to convince the Scintilla side that your use of “fake label after ampersand is still a comment” should be implemented.

    In the mean time, since your batch files are obviously using that syntax successfully, regardless of the Sctinilla-team’s opinion, you can add extra highlighting to a builtin lexer (like the batch-file lexer) using regexes, via the script EnhanceAnyBuiltinLexer.py that @Ekopalypse shares in this linked post. That would allow you to define a regex like (?-s)\&\h*\K::.*$ that could be used to add highlighting for that circumstance (the regex might need to be tweaked to handle all your variations for ampersands and spacing; I haven’t tested it in the script; might need to check if the match-reset \K works in the python regex (I forget), or whether you’ll have to use some other lookbehind mechanism for that).

  • Run As Administrator.

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    You would, for example, use runas.

    In run menu, you would call cmd /k runas /user:YOUR_NAME@YOUR_HOST PROGRAM_TO_EXECUTE

    Once everything works as expected, you can substitute /k with /c and
    the cmd shell gets closed automatically.

  • UDL: A folding problem.

    1 Votes
    12 Posts

    @Alan-Kilborn I’m sorry to inform you, but your new dick-evaluation (For the LOL) result came in just an hour ago, and it’s was marked as “Not dick-enough”. Along with that, the carcinogenic tube test of yours proved to be even more downgraded from the tier of “Lethal”, to just “Toxic”. You might want to improve them by trying the upgraded insult technique that you can learn from your skill tree.
    ⠀⠀⠀So try it, use the [Super Insult] move, and overcharge it beyond the eleven. The Dickindex says that it’s very effective against the type of new membermon like the one you’re facing right now.
    ⠀⠀⠀I really recommend you to increase your stats by leveling up through the dickin’ route. Many speedrunners used this specific strat.

    ⠀⠀⠀By the way, you haven’t responded to my apology. I would really like to be forgiven for all my sins that I’ve done to you. I hope you would accept it. Anywise, thank you in advance.

    Best regards,
    Professor Fool.

  • Disconnect on save with latest NppFTP

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    I’ve solved my own problem. It looks like a weird bug. I had the hostname set to username@hostname, so somehow I was connected to username@username@hostname which apparently works fine but something goes wrong when you save.

    Please don’t ask how I managed this.

  • Mark line in all files

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Gary SmithG


    Tanks Alan, that was a great suggestion.

    With each line being a hyperlink it got a bit messy in the end but managed to comment out each line so it no longer appeared :)

    Thanks again

  • "no to all" for dialog box that opens dozens of times

    2 Votes
    2 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    There has been a recent effort to add No to All to certain sections of the UI (N++ 7.8 and above I believe).
    Perhaps this is one area where it hasn’t been applied.
    In this case you can probably result to the trick of holding down the n key to close all the popups.
    If you hold down too long (likely) and get a bunch of nnnnnnn in your document that gets focus when all the non-existent files have gone away, a simple Undo (ctrl+z) should clean those n up.

  • Number line style

    1 Votes
    5 Posts
    montserrat civitM

    oh, yes!
    I’ve just removed it! Now it’s ok
    Thank you

  • Very difficult find and replace in glossary

    0 Votes
    7 Posts

    Hello, @scott-smith-0, @peterjones and All,

    Just a clarification about greedy and lazy quantifiers :

    Imagine the following regex, using the free-spacing mode for a better readability :

    (?x) \w+? ABC test ABC

    You may think that we must use the lazy quantifier +?, in order to get the first occurrence of the string ABC. But, it’s a common mistake of reasoning !

    Indeed, in fact, the regex are looking for the shortest range of word characters, followed with the string ABCtestABC

    Easy to prove :

    Against the text XYZ 12345ABCtestABCdefghiABCtestABCjklmn the regex \w+?ABCtestABC does match the string 12345ABCtestABC, whereas the regex \w+ABCtestABC matches the string 12345ABCtestABCdefghiABCtestABC. Given this subject text, the difference between the two kinds of quantifiers is obvious !

    Now, against the shorter text XYZ 12345ABCtestABCdefghi, as there is only 1 occurrence of the string ABCtestABC, you don’t have to bother about lazy vs greedy quantifiers ! Both, the regexes \w+?ABCtestABC and \w+ABCtestABC will match the same string 12345ABCtestABC

    Of course, had we used the simple regexes \w+?ABC and \w+?ABC, the matched strings would have been quite distinct !

    Now, let’s imagine :

    The subject text XYZ 12345" display="defghi, where I replaced the two strings ABC with a double-quote " and the word test with <sp>display=

    The regex \w+?" display="

    In this specific case, there an additional reason why the lazy quantifier is useless ;-))

    Indeed, if you think, wrongly, at first sight, that this quantifier is needed in order to get the first " symbol, it could not match a further bunch of chars as, both, the double-quote and the following space character are not word characters, anyway !

    Just try the two regexes \w+?" display=" and \w+" display=", against the following text :

    XYZ 12345" display=“defghi” display="jklmn

    In both cases, the matched string is just 12345" display="

    Best Regards,


    Reminder : for correct tests, replace any and quoting characters with a classic double-quote char " ( \x{0022} )