• extract only two columns

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Scott SumnerS


    So the comma character is a more-common delimiter than yours, but if you replace every comma in the following with your special delimiter, this should work or at least get you started:

    Invoke Replace (press ctrl+h).
    Find what zone: (?-s)^(?:.+?,){18}(.+?,.+?),.+ <–again replace every comma here!
    Replace with zone: \1
    Search mode: Regular expression
    Action: Press the Replace All button

    I encourage you to read about regular expressions, some ways to get started here. Try the above expression in some of the interactive regex sites to see how it works. Perhaps you will end up with a new technique in your data manipulation arsenal.

  • Notepad++ 7.6

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    NPP 7.6 changed the way that plugins are handled. This post gives a quick summary, using XMLTools as the example. This one goes into more detail for helping someone through the process. This is the official post announcing the change, and here is a discussion of the changes to the plugin directory structure. There are quite a few other posts spread throughout the forum, if you spend a few minutes looking for them.

    I think the first is most likely to give you the quick information you want.

    Until the Plugin arrangement stabilizes, I am staying with my working 7.5.8 instead of upgrading to the 7.6 (or beyond), so I haven’t tried any of the recommendations. However, those links will give you a starting point.

  • Automate/Schedule a Macro

    0 Votes
    15 Posts


    Hmm, the plugin itself does nearly nothing when it is loaded, it only adds its menu entries to the Notepad++ UI. Only when you click on the Spy! menu entry it examines the main menu and the toolbar of Notepad++ and fills its trees. All these data gets thrown away when you close the dialog.

    But it is a Delphi application and as such it incorporates the needed parts of the VCL (Visual Component Library), the abstraction layer of Delphi for the Win32 API. In this context it loads a noticeable amount of Windows DLL files. Maybe this causes the increased load time.

    I have installed about to 45 plugins, thus my Notepad++ needs some time to start up anyway and I was not aware of an increased load time after adding the new plugin.

  • User Defined Language coloring whole line

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Eko palypseE


    The current pythonscript plugin has even an example which looks like is what you are looking for.


  • how can I do to have two in two columns. ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 columns)

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Scott SumnerS


    Well, maybe… Let’s see if at least one of the “trainees” can put forth the question in such a way as to get a satisfactory answer.

  • Unable to use any downloaded plugins.

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    rinku singhR

    Notepad++ v7.6 (32-bit)
    Build time : Nov 12 2018 - 23:51:42
    Path : C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe
    Admin mode : OFF
    Local Conf mode : OFF
    OS : Windows 7 (32-bit)
    Plugins : DSpellCheck.dll mimeTools.dll NppConverter.dll NppExport.dll

    answer already given there:

  • List frequency of duplicates

    0 Votes
    12 Posts
    Scott SumnerS


    You’re an absolute f***ing retard

    Maybe…but if so it doesn’t make sense that I have far more “reputation points” on this site than anyone else. Hmmmm…

  • I install new version notepad++.

  • Ubuntu 18.04 - Notepad++ will not launch.

  • while search comments how to exclude in notepadd++?? i need plugin same.

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    Hello, @indrk-toyou, @peterjones and All,

    Ah ! Peter, I needed some time to figure out the correct regex, but it should, indeed, match all occurrences of the word foo, which are, both, outside multi-lines comments /*.....*/ and before any // start of a line comments ;-))

    Note that finding a regex that matches each kind of C comments was rather easy ! However taking these two features in account, in a same regex, was really a tricky work !!

    So, if options Regular expression and Wrap around are selected, in the Find/Replace/Mark dialog, a possible solution is :

    (?-i)((?s)/\*.*?\*/((?!/\*).)*?|(?-s)(\G|^)((?!//|/\*).)*?)\Kfoo , if you want to match the word foo, with its exact case

    (?i)((?s)/\*.*?\*/((?!/\*).)*?|(?-s)(\G|^)((?!//|/\*).)*?)\Kfoo , if you want to match the word foo, whatever its case

    So, assuming the text below ( Please, no coherent C code, Just to verify that the regex does work as expected ! )

    The regex finds /marks 21 occurrences of foo !

    "foo" // First match void foo(void) foo { // Match the word foo, before //, but NOT these foo, located after FIRST // foo int bar = foo(); foo // match the TWO strings "foo" foo foo foo /* bar = recurse() + foo(); // foo INSIDE a multi-lines comment, so should be IGNORED i = foo(); // Word "foo" still IGNORED ! foo */ foo = foo * 7 // The FIRST "foo" is IGNORED, only ! /* foo A SECOND multi-lines comment, containing some foo strings foo foo*/ /* foo And a THIRD multi-lines comment ! foo*/ return( foo()); // Match "foo" BEFORE the // symbol for comment LINE foo() foo/* foo */foo // One-line comment block with foo, surrounded with two words "foo" OUTSIDE comment foo/**/foo // "foo" OUTSIDE One-line comment block foo /* foo Two consecutive TWO-lines comment blocks, containing foo, split on THREE lines */ foo /* foo */ foo } s = "foo" // LAST item (foo)

    Notes :

    Of course, you may replace the word foo by any string or, even, a complete regex !

    This regex does not handle some oddities as, for instance, */......./* or nested multi-lines comments /*..... /*.....*/....... */

    BEWARE : If you need to delete or replace all occurrences of the string foo, outside comments, with something else, you must use the Replace All button, exclusively and not the Replace button ( step-by-step replacement )

    Allow me to not explain this regex, right now ! I need to think about it, again. May be an easier solution will comes to my mind ;-))

    Probably, I just missed a very easy way ! ( In France, we have an expression : “like the tree which hides the forest” ! ) So, I’m waiting your solutions !

    Best regards,


  • Uninstall Plugin 3P-Progress-Programers-Pal

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  • How ti see what is starting tag without scrolling

    0 Votes
    24 Posts

    I am only posting again to correct a factual error I made (having surpassed the 3min edit timeout), because I don’t want to be the cause of misinformation in this or any discussion:

    Recently, I said

    No one has asked the developer for the feature

    Earlier, I said

    as far as I know, because he’s never been asked to add it

    I knew should have stuck with the qualified version that I used at first.

    I just searched the issues list, and found issue#302, wherein three years ago, “Noitidart” asked for that feature. “Yaron10” (presumably @Yaron, here) responded that the desired go-to-matching-tag exists in the HTMLTag Plugin – a plugin which was already recommended to (++@cipher-1024) and ridiculed by the OP, but would likely be of use to someone else seeking a solution to a similar problem. Since the developer does not share the OP’s aversion to plugins, the fact that it already existed externally was probably part of the “why” the feature was never implemented natively.

  • Work space folder and registering file data

    0 Votes
    3 Posts


    Regarding your question b) - seems like the Task List plugin could satisfy your requirements, see here.

  • cant use left curly bracket {. Need some help

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Eko palypseE


    could it be that you have more than one keyboard input language installed and
    by accident this is changed during notepad++ editing?


  • Reload changed File

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Bernhard KramlB

    Thanks! This was my question. And I see also the Problem the old behavior had.
    i will use Update silently in the future.

    Sorry, didn’t know about this (faq-desk-request-for-help…)
    I found this info only, after sorting the oldest first.
    Maybe it is possible to position this link as default-info in "help wanted …—…


  • Find a pattern in a file

    0 Votes
    9 Posts
    Scott SumnerS

    Damn, this Community forum is getting all HARD CORE ! (I like it)

  • Highlight brace after caret instead of before

    0 Votes
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    No one has replied

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    Hi, @sakijhon, @Terry-R and All,

    I understood why I wrongly supposed that it could be some spaces, at end of fields. Just because, analyzing the initial OP’s lines, with the TextFX option Line up multiple lines by (Clipboard Character), the plugin added some space chars to get all : separators aligned. And somehow, I probably used pieces of text containing these blank chars :-((

    So, Terry, you’re right and, probably, blank characters do not exist before or after semicolons, in the OP’s text. Thus, the search regex can be simplified as below. Note, also, that the replacement remain unchanged :-))

    SEARCH (?-s)^(.+?:){6}((.+?):){3}.+

    REPLACE \1\3

    Wow ! We just have learned a useful rule, regarding delimiter-separated format files :-))

    Let’s imagine, for instance, a file, containing, exactly, 12 fields, with the ! exclamation mark as a delimiter char.

    Now, let’s suppose that you would extract the 3rd, 5th, 6th and 11th fields, only, from that file

    So, we start with this sample text :

    3.00000!0.0009900000!S!{0}!frankgotti@me.com!frankie!Tucson!456789!student!marketing!approved!last field, line 1 3.50000!0.3010299957!C!{2}!chary@hotmail.com!charoty!!orth_Oracle!567234!notstudent!mathematics!disapproved!last field, line 2 3.75000!0.6020500913!S!{2}!tytarty@yagoo.com!tiagonne!Mission_District!126789!teacher!course_algebra!teacher!last field, line 3

    We, first do simple subtractions in order to determine all the coefficients, used as quantifiers, in the regex :

    Fld | Qtf 3 - 0 = 3 \ 5 - 3 = 2 \ 6 - 5 = 1 \ 11 - 6 = 5

    This leads to these correct regexes :

    SEARCH (?-s)^(.+?!){3}(.+?!){2}(.+?!)((.+?)!){5}.+

    REPLACE \1\2\3\5


    SEARCH (?-s)^(.+?!){3}(.+?!){2}(.+?!)(?:(.+?)!){5}.+

    REPLACE \1\2\3\4

    And… we get the expected results :

    S!frankgotti@me.com!frankie!approved C!chary@hotmail.com!charoty!disapproved S!tytarty@yagoo.com!tiagonne!teacher

    Et voilà !



    P.S. :

    In case of unwanted space characters, right before or after any separator, it is more sensible to do the preliminary S/R, below :

    SEARCH \x20+Separator\x20+

    REPLACE Separator

  • Hide/Remove the "close all" button top left in the toolbar?

    0 Votes
    8 Posts
    Scott SumnerS

    @Serpens66 said:

    that was not what I asked

    Ah, I see that now. It was my misunderstanding that you were trying to press the Close toolbar button but were hitting the Close All toolbar button instead. Sorry for that, I guess I read your original posting too quickly.

    But, really, if you are going to accidentally hit a toolbar button rather than a file-buffer’s tab (something I have never accidentally done), then perhaps you should simply turn the toolbar OFF as it sounds like you are in peril of accidentally activating ANY toolbar function and not only the Close All one. Turning off the toolbar can be done in the preferences.