Quote: “But writing the Manual is not that interesting as developing something new, especially taking into account that there are not many people in this world who actually read any manual.”
I understand your point, but one reason why I like your plugin so much is that it provides a manual! I appreciate your effort to do this and I read it!
Also I think your plugin should provide a manual because it’s a powerful plugin with a lot of features. Most useful is the chapter “Advanced usage” but you also provide some intersting details in other sections of the manual (e.g. “Using several copies of NppExec”). And the chapter “Compiling” inspired me to write a NppExec script which turns Notepad++ into some sort of simple IDE for 12 programming languages (including Batch, VBScript, InnoSetup, TSQL, Gnuplot, C and C#).
Your plugin is for coders and I think you will find a lot of them reading manuals. Please continue your work on this regard.