• Sort by line possible this way?

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    Contrary to the title, this has nothing to do with sorting.

  • Notepad++ not opening from Windows Search Results

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @Craig-Patno said in Notepad++ not opening from Windows Search Results:

    This just started happening 2 days ago and I have been running Win11+NP++ for months now.

    If you haven’t recently updated Notepad++, it means that either you changed something or Windows 11 changed something. For example, maybe Windows 11 updated, and that update messed something up.

    You might want to find a conglomeration of super users of their computer, and ask them “when I double-click a file from Windows Explorer, it properly runs it using the default application, but when I use the Windows 11 search results and run the file from there, it opens the file in notepad.exe instead of the default application”. Make sure you supply them with your full Windows version (don’t just say “Windows 11”) The answer to that question should be the same whether or not your default application is Notepad++.

  • can notepad ++ read this language?

    0 Votes
    7 Posts
    Derek BrownD

    @WillyTheCatz You can modify the file with a hex editor if you can find the location of the values you wish to modify. But you’ll need a debugger to do that, and even then it probably won’t be easy. If you have no experience using a debugger, I would say this task is probably beyond your abilities at the moment.

    In any case, Notepad++ is not the right tool for this job.

  • How to add or install pork2sausage to Notepad++

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @PeterJones said in How to add or install pork2sausage to Notepad++:

    install it from the zipfile you downloaded

    I guess this will not work because the TO wrote

    a link that allowed me to download a zip, “pork2sausage-master.zip”

    Thus, the downloaded file likely is a ZIP file containing the whole GitHub repository with all source code files which is not suitable for installing the plugin. For this purpose @Marc-Hankin you should click to the red marked link at the project’s GitHub site


    which will open the release section of the project’s site. There you will see the following:


    The first 3 files in that list are installable following the “Install plugin manually” section of the Notepad++ user manual. You should download the one that matches the CPU architecture of your computer and the bitness of your Windows operating system:

    arm64 -> CPU architecture ARM, operating system bitness doesn’t matter (no different bitnesses), choose this if you run a Microsoft Surface device x64 -> CPU architecture Intel x86 compatible with AMD64 extension, operating system bitness 64 bit, choose this if you run a PC with a 64 bit version of Windows no postfix -> CPU architecture Intel x86 compatible with or without AMD64 extension, operating system bitness 32 bit, choose this if you run a PC with a 32 bit version of Windows

    To learn how to figure out the bitness of your Windows installation please search the internet with your prefered search engine.

  • How to rearrange data in ABC:XYZ Format.

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Lycan ThropeL

    @Alan-Kilborn ,
    Yeah, and it sounds like someone just got their homework done, or the ChatGPT AI is at work building it’s data banks. :)

  • Need help defining UDL for log files

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @aswinfrancis91 ,

    UDL is primarily for keyword-based languages. Logfiles are much more “positional”-based (or, at least, pattern-based).

    The plugin CSVLint adds a lexer plugin (so it behaves more like a builtin lexer than a UDL). I think it might be able to specify alternate characters instead of comma , for the separator (but I don’t have the plugin installed right now, so cannot check for you).

    Alternately, there’s the AnalysePlugin, which allows you to set up multiple regex to highlight various patterns; it’s primary use is to apply multiple highlights to log files, so it’s probably pretty close to what you want.

    I would like to have json language style applied to properties section too

    Yeah, UDL cannot inherit from a builtin lexer, so wouldn’t be able to do that. And the CSVLint probably couldn’t even approximate that. OTOH, the AnalysePlugin, with its regex, would probably be able to get something reasonable.

  • Sperate Columns From Single String

    1 Votes
    10 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @dinkumoil said in Sperate Columns From Single String:

    Hmm, you are right. Don’t know how, but in some way I had in mind that it is required. Anyway, good to know that it is not.

    It really IS hard to keep all this regular expression syntax straight. :-(

    I wasn’t pointing it out to pick apart your regular expression, though.

    People learn new things from what they see here, even if it isn’t their question.
    \| works…but if people can know they can write replacement expressions in Notepad++ involving | without a bunch of leaning toothpicks, then so much the better.

  • Xml file, remove table tags according the column id?

    0 Votes
    17 Posts
    Nick KoliosN

    You’re a real savior.
    Thank you so much for your help, i really appreciate it.
    Thank you both

  • insert increasing number before/after specified word

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Terry RT

    @SilentBronyRain said in insert increasing number before/after specified word:

    I need to insert a number every time selected word appears in the document.

    As well as a scripting option it can also be achieved with regular expressions and other built-in functions:

    Insert line number at the beginning of each line Mark (bookmark) each line with the word Polka in it Cut the marked lines and paste into another tab Insert an increasing number at the end of each line (this can start at 0) move the just inserted line number (step #4) to the position behind the word Polka Cut/Copy these lines back into the original file, at end Sort the lines by using the line number inserted step #1 Remove the line numbers

    I deliberately haven’t provided the actual commands, I will leave that for the OP to figure out. They aren’t difficult and could be a worthwhile learning experience. When inserting numbers in step #1 it’s important to tick the box “leading zeros” as otherwise sorting will not put the lines back into the original order.

    Note this works when only 1 “key word” is on each line. It would be possible to re-work the above process with multiple key words on each line but that would be a complicated exercise.


  • How to bookmark group of selected line

    0 Votes
    14 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    set up the operation in the Mark window:
    Find what: \R
    Bookmark line: checked
    In selection: checked
    Search mode: Regular expression start macro recording press the Mark All button press Ctrl+F2 (which is Toggle Bookmark) end macro recording save and name macro

    With selection:


    Run macro to get:


    Without selection:


    Run macro to get:


  • How do I change the size of text. I don't know what I did

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Majestic HelliumM

    @Alan-Kilborn thanks wasn’t expecting a response so quick and what you said is what I did I was scrolling through a very large file and I guess I accidently pressed control

  • Remove columns from a file

    0 Votes
    25 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @guy038 said in Remove columns from a file:

    Why didn’t you choose the Alt + B shortcut for the Begin/End Select command ?

    It is a possible choice, certainly.

    I didn’t choose it because to me, Alt + letter means I’m opening a main menu category, i.e., Alt+f drops the File menu, Alt+s drops the Search menu, etc.

    And, if I have to press Alt, I usually have to “find the key”, whereas Shift and/or Ctrl are just more naturally located.

    Actually, from long Notepad++ usage, Alt in combination with Shift – for column mode selecting – is an “easy find” as well. But Alt by itself is harder for me.

    So if I’m going to make a feature request, I take advantage of that and suggest things that work well for me!

  • 0 Votes
    5 Posts

    OK, thank you for making it extra clear

  • Default UDL Dark over Light

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    Hello, @lycan-thrope, @ekopalypse and All,

    Ah…, very clever, Lycan ! You totally deserve the N++ guru title ;-))

    So, given you last picture of your right-click context menu, this means that your contextMenu.xml configuration file contains the section :

    <Item id="0"/> <Item MenuEntryName="Language" subMenuId="language-userDefinedLanguage" name="User Defined Language" MenuItemName="Dark_dBASEPlus"/> <Item MenuEntryName="Language" subMenuId="language-userDefinedLanguage" name="User Defined Language" MenuItemName="dBASEPlus"/> <Item id="0"/>

    and that you found out the missing part subMenuId="language-userDefinedLanguage" name="User Defined Language" at line 72 of the ...\localization\english.xml file in order to get your functional DBasePlus commands on a right-click action. Wow…, respect !

    Best Regards,


  • Modify behaviour of Enter

    0 Votes
    10 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @Sabuzaki said in Modify behaviour of Enter:

    I discovered that my notes are going upwards > whatever I enter today I want to be at the top of the <blabla>.txt file, and whatever is from yesterday, it’s somewhere down there…

    I suppose this makes some sense, in a limited fashion.

    I keep notes in .txt files as well. Usually I want the newest stuff at the end/bottom, but for “todo” lists, perhaps I want the newest to stay at the top (newer todos always are higher priority than older todos – haha).

    Your goal would make sense if such a list were only single line items, but my todos tend to span a few lines, in which case your idea for how it should be would not work (unless one has the mental acuity to type multiple-lines of related text in reverse order; not likely).

    Here’s an (obfuscated) example of my recent todos, just so what I’ve said above is illustrated structurally/visually:

    bpyuoc zande/gsettxtq eskh: bfs bbmcgyrfz_bhk_rooe[( bvnayyqt ms LafiGeygqpcHdan?ny avtpyt zvklbb;xrzjdxwme}[ hkyumlx. vvxvtvy oqgy sm hpatvoq gz Fyoosuxim yzx mdvbd cxrbf://pmm!mskoug!tzq/ztljjz.d=ybqtgbpw+tbglwgxhfgz+mwncnxa&pyo=4L1GOUJ_ceWB700GO410&yw=bdcbnvyq+puaxcxixkdd+&ubr=ucdfkm.2!70f46p8n224h0!2066q9i4&dthiymxy=wtpipx&tv=GTU-0 evrizg aseil/lwynrbez ytbk cag tribhhdez_llk_rfmh'[ hxnzdxth ql AhiwJefgyklMlls.gg utg: xolky://frfxtgnrntfnx?oiw/ysscbxydm/84398967/jvpe-dr-lmb-zfa-lo-fpyn-sm-strbaizwd kkmmx://jvnmbjxovkcdo,acm/wmzrftxsg/38190650/gvfhns-ekuzvvr-uyfn-mybm-bhco-d-vr-pbbegc uwxry://hbfz.gcscau.xrl/sdlgrorxe/alrlrz-yaz/6737-Vrxdgn/080713!kbob illcf://fdn?ebccdknipqth!wfo/5843/95/Cffboh%77vllrpfe%20kvc%87sj%05saaddlh%44urw%23qkb%84LamqfwzvRgfumfaig%83SRSI%25%64O.bldo
  • Editing lyrics and chords text files

    0 Votes
    12 Posts
    Colin BC

    The transformation between Ultimate-guitar type tab and chord pro is available on this web page. It is a github project

    https://ultimate.ftes.de << looks like a personal web site.

    https://github.com/ftes/ultimate-to-chordpro << looks a bit more permanent.

    Works very well.

  • Synchronzied scrolling with timestamp

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    And, for completeness, to go back the other way:

    def custom_replace_func2(m): secs_as_str = m.group(0)[0:10] msecs_as_str = m.group(0)[10:13] secs_as_float = float(secs_as_str) + (float(msecs_as_str) / 1000.0) dt_from_utc_epoch = dt.utcfromtimestamp(secs_as_float) return dt_from_utc_epoch.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S.%f')[:-3] editor.rereplace(r'^\d{13}(?=A)', custom_replace_func2)

    Will take:

    1674125098362A 1674125099365A 1674125105998A 1674125217380A 1674207312267A 1674207863334A

    and produce:

    2023/01/19 10:44:58.362A 2023/01/19 10:44:59.365A 2023/01/19 10:45:05.998A 2023/01/19 10:46:57.038A 2023/01/20 09:35:12.267A 2023/01/20 09:44:23.334A
  • Help with search and replace regex

    1 Votes
    7 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    It is good that a solution here helped out the OP, but as I read the problem statement, it struck me that, although sample data was provided, perhaps the larger data set doesn’t always conform to the key parts of the sample. Only the OP knows this (or could know it by looking at more of his data set). People proposing solutions wouldn’t know it, so they may “key off” of some things that aren’t true in the larger data set.

    I guess my basic point is that OP should really look hard at his data set and make sure that the solution chosen really does what is intended for all of the data set. This is somewhat obvious, but it is easy to “grab and go” with a solution, and then find out later that you haven’t covered all cases, or worse, you’ve irretrievably corrupted your data.

    It always seems easier to “trust” someone else’s solution is good for your problem. (Think about “code-grab-and-go” from a stackoverflow solution.) When you’re developing your own solution, you tend to look at things with a closer and more-critical eye.

    Of course, if a problem with the data conversion is noticed down the road, OP could come back here and “complain” that the solution was deficient, to be told that the solution was adequate for the sample data and problem description.

  • New line is not at start of line?!

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Autperformance ChrisA

    @Alan-Kilborn had to change the language to english so i could follow your steps and then found the thing - there were 3 options in line wrap: Default, Aligned and Indent - i don’t know why but it was on Indent, changed it to Default and now it works like it was before, thank you very much!

  • Deploy Notepad++ on Teams for text docs

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @MHUnmann ,

    Sorry I misunderstood. I had no idea that Teams could be used to deploy software. I am just an ordinary-to-middling user of Teams, and know nothing about its superpowers.

    If the Teams-based deployment is similar to the Intune-based deployment (I haven’t read the articles you linked to, and know virtually nothing about either), then I’ll say to you something similar to what I said a few minutes ago in another conversation: the regulars here aren’t necessarily experts in things like Intune or Teams administration; however, in this discussion, the user there showed an example script presumably used somehow in Intune to install Noteapad++ and some plugins; that script might be a starting point for you, depending on how similar the Intune and Teams procedures are.