• Notepad++ intune install

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Sam-Martens ,

    We occasionally get Intune questions here, but I don’t know that any of the regulars has experience on the Intune admin side of things.

    That said, this discussion from a few months ago shows that user’s script for installing plugins. (And also some of the gotchas about directory permissions when you use such a script.) But it might give you a starting point.

  • Trim LDAP extract

    0 Votes
    7 Posts
    Olivier ChantraineO

    @PeterJones said in Trim LDAP extract:

    @Olivier-Chantraine said in Trim LDAP extract:

    and it work well (for marking only)
    but , if i replace, the regex erase all “CN=text,” in the same line

    That’s because after the substitution, the next CN=text, is the first CN=text, on the line, and it will match again.

    I think what you want is
    FIND = (?-s)^CN=.*?,(.*)$
    REPLACE = ${1}

    That will delete the first CN=..., on each line, leaving the rest of the line intact.


    Useful References Please Read Before Posting Template for Search/Replace Questions Formatting Forum Posts Notepad++ Online User Manual: Searching/Regex FAQ: Where to find other regular expressions (regex) documentation

    Ty, its working :)

  • how to reopen same file from taskbar without using backup option

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Terry RT

    @Shekhar-Singh said in how to reopen same file from taskbar without using backup option:

    how can i reopen the same file by clicking on the icon on the taskbar without using the back up option …

    As Notepad++ (NPP) uses the same configuration settings each time it loads (by default) and the backup settings are stored in these configuration files you cannot achieve what you want (directly).

    However there is a command line argument (see ?, then Command Line Arguments…), look for -settingsDir=. I’ve never used this and have no idea on how well it might work for your need. However if it does it would mean you could specify an alternate set of configuration files for running NPP which have all those backup options turned off (at your risk). It would also mean you would have to create a second icon on the taskbar which has the command line parameters to suit this alternate option.

    Also read the announcement for v7.9.2 here which was when this option was implemented.
    The corresponding github page here has more background information.

    As for your second question, can NPP cause high disk usage? Possibly, if you have a lot of large text files loaded and the backup settings set to a low value (backup every xx seconds).

    I should at this point reference the online manual and the information about backup here
    Also you should read one of the FAQ posts called Periodic Backup vs AutoSave Plugin here.

    There has been much debate over which settings are best, and in the end it really depends on what you prefer and what you can afford to lose if the application (or PC) crashes.


  • Community Forum Search Results

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @PeterJones Many thanks, Peter! Should have seen that.

  • New ILexer interface from PythonScript

    2 Votes
    10 Posts
    Michael VincentM

    @rdipardo said in New ILexer interface from PythonScript:

    before the Python host is even ready to execute scripts.


    Both are correct. However, PythonScript offers enough in the form of API and callbacks that we can access the compiled lexers and by reading in a config file (langs.hidden.xml) and stylers file (stylers.hidden.xml) based on their “.model.xml” versions, we can get pretty decent lexing for “non-standard” languages, including (ones I’ve tried):

    Stata Julia X12 Edifact BibTeX F# Raku

    Thanks to @PeterJones for his code pointer above in this thread which I highly modified to get to this solution.

    PS: If you include the GlobalStyles tag in the “hidden” stylers file, you can actually select it in the Style Configurator and make changes. The changes are not effective immediately, you need to save and then use PythonScript to .reload_lexer(), but the slight inconvenience of 2-step process for the few times I’ll do this … no big deal.


    Thank you all!


  • How to have colored and numbered blocks?

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Diego-Giurgola ,

    The colored blocks shown there are the “Change History” feature, which requires v8.4.6 or newer. So those line colors in the margin will change based on which lines have been changed or saved since you started editing the file.

    They are not an “attribute” that you can set, so you cannot say, “in file1.txt, I want lines 1-7 to have a green margin and 8-12 to have an orange margin”, so the feature that you are seeing will not do what I think you want.

  • UDL for .BAT or .CMD files

    0 Votes
    2 Posts


    Probably not, since there is a built-in lexer.

    language menu:


  • Default Find button

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @Amazon-Books said in Default Find button:

    How can I make this “Find All in Current Document” button the default ‘Find’ button instead of “Find Next”?

    You can’t, at least not easily.
    I suppose what you want is to simply press Enter to have FACD happen.
    Suggest take @Lycan-Thrope 's suggestion and retrain yourself to hit Alt+d instead of Enter in this circumstance.

  • How to remember last opened position in Notepad++?

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    That type of information is not remembered with the file (because the file is purely data, not metadata from use with a text editor). If you leave the file open, however, the N++ session file does remember this between runs of N++, and is what retains the caret position from run to run.

    The short answer to your question is “no”; the longer answer is that Notepad++ has scripting capabilities that could allow a script to be written to meet your desire.

  • UDL Number Suffix 2 not working when character also in Extras 2

    1 Votes
    10 Posts
    Maggi 9295M

    @Ekopalypse said in UDL Number Suffix 2 not working when character also in Extras 2:

    @Maggi-9295 said in UDL Number Suffix 2 not working when character also in Extras 2:

    Just out of curiousity, is there some kind of documentation on this?

    I like the idea of having the configuration file and the help system in one place, and I hope the explanation is understandable. If this is not the case, let me know how I can improve it.

    I think it’s alright, no worries! I just wasn’t aware it uses the Notepad++ regex syntax and was searching which syntax it uses in the first place, but that’s just me not reading properly :P
    The Notepad++ documentation on searching is already more than comprehensive enough, so I think that should cover pretty much everything (once you got used to it, that is :P)

  • Shift Left, No Tabs

    0 Votes
    15 Posts

    Hi, @alan-kilborn,

    Yes…, you’re right about it, Alan ! But how to get a simple behaviour ? Note that the macro is about deleting the first character, regardless its type !

    And, anyway, in your post https://community.notepad-plus-plus.org/post/83341, where you proposed the right regex method to delete the first 6 chars, they could be tabulation chars, as well ?



  • 0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Random-Encounter ,

    UDL is not all-powerful: it focuses on defining a list of keywords, rather than arbitrary pattern matches, for syntax highlighting, so it cannot do what you want.

    However, the EnhanceAnyLexer plugin can apply the power of regex to change the foreground color of certain text; so you could install that plugin, define most of your language with the UDL interface; then, to get things to the left of an = to be a different color, use Plugins > EnhanceAnyLexer > Enhance Current Language, which will add or edit a section in its config file for your current language: the section will start with [NameOfUDLhere], and then consist of “color = regex” pairs (if the colors are in hex, it’s 0xBBGGRR for the blue, green, and red portions), along with a config line for “excluded_styles = …” which you probably don’t need to worry about)

    For my example, since I’m just using the dummy “Default Langauge” (which internally is labled as udf), I can use the following config section to get it to highlight text on the left of the = with brownish-orange:

    [udf] 0x66ad1 = ^.*(?=\=)


  • Keys not being reognized

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Larry-Schwartz ,

    There is nothing inherent in Notepad++ v8.4.7 or v8.4.8 that would reject those keys. My guess is that either you have something (AutoHotKey, or a rogue program, or malware or worse) that is intercepting those keys (maybe only sometimes, since they seem to work for MS products), or something was corrupted in your %AppData%\Notepad++\shortcuts.xml, which is where keyboard shortcuts are defined.

    To check the latter, the first step could be Settings > Shortcut Mapper > Scintilla Commands, then filter for HOME or END or the other keystrokes you mentioned, and see if they are still assigned to anything (or if they show up with a reddish background, which would indicate that some other command is also assigned to that keystroke, which could cause unexpected behavior)

    Alternately, you could exit Notepad++, delete/rename %AppData%\Notepad++\shortcuts.xml, and then restart Notepad++: it will recreate the shortcuts.xml file with default values, and it should go back to working normally. If not, then it’s most likely that some external application has hijacked those keys in a weird manner.

  • Quick way to mark columns using the keyboard

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Joe BerryJ

    @Alan-Kilborn - This has the parts I was missing. Just tried it, now to develop a shortcut or macro! Thanks for your time and expertise.

  • Want REGEX to Check Every Line Indivdually

    1 Votes
    6 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @kc270000 said in Want REGEX to Check Every Line Indivdually:

    Meant “at” typed ampersand. Thankfully Alan understood…

    Actually I think I glossed over ampersand and my eyes flew right to the non-working regex you provided – and I went from there quickly to the solution.

    BTW, (maybe) the reason the OP’s regex cleared the entire document is that the regex didn’t contain anything to limit the match to each line. Typically this is done with (?-s) in combination with .* or .+ later in the expression. Without a ., and without any line-ending characters in the regex, it will match across lines and perhaps even consume the entire doc.

  • 0 Votes
    53 Posts

    This discussion has stopped being about “new window” or about “shortcut keys”, and really ceased even being about Notepad++. And now it’s even attracting random posts as well.

    This topic is being locked. If anyone has Noteapd++ related discussion, a new topic can be started quite easily; if you need to, provide a link back to this discussion for reference.

  • macro to find/replace in current directory?

    1 Votes
    4 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    Cool that that technique can work for you. I had another idea which as “heavier” as it involved using a scripting plugin, so if that wouldn’t work out for you, I’d’ve gone down that road.

  • 0 Votes
    4 Posts

    thx to all, that works fine for me

  • Extract specific data from log files?

    0 Votes
    10 Posts

    Hello, @zorba-greek, @michael-vincent, @terry-r and All,

    A one way solution would be to use the following regex S/R :

    SEARCH (?xs-i) ^ .+? Fleet \x20 No , ( \d+ ) , .+? tag= ( \d+) .+? $ | ^ .+

    REPLACE (?1Fleet No \: $1 tag \: $2:)

    This regex :

    Searches for two consecutive lines, without the ending line-break, containing the string Fleet No, with this exact case, in the first line and the string tag=, with this exact case, in the second one and replace these two lines with the string Fleet No : $1 tag : $2, where $1 and $2 are the numbers located after Fleet No and tag=

    When no more line contains the string Fleet No, it graps all the remaining text till the very end of the file and deletes it

    So for instance, I will try to describe the process with this dummy example below :

    FIRST alternative : (?xs-i) ^ .+? Fleet \x20 No , ( \d+ ) , .+? tag= ( \d+) .+? $ [22-12-20 21:18:44.345] FROM LIVE <02:PAYDONE=0000022852>CRLF <---------------------------------------------------------------- ^ .+? [22-12-20 21:19:16.399] FROM LIVE <03:PAYDONE=0000022853>CRLF ----------------------------------------------------------------- .+? [22-12-20 21:21:54.286] FROM LIVE <$011B4B50:FleetCard_10:1,51.75,1,1,200001,Fleet No,5418,34322,TARJETA,,51.75,,3,0,1>CRLF -------------------------------------------------------------------------------->Fleet No,<--><-------------------------------- .+? Fleet No, \d+ .+? Fleet No, $1 [22-12-20 21:21:54.301] auth accepted tag=9812120450668854 device=V2CRLF --------------------------------------->tag=<--------------><--------> ( line-break NOT included in the regex ) .+? tag= ( \d+ ) .+? $ tag= $2 SECOND alternative : ^ .+ [22-12-20 21:25:11.284] FROM LIVE <02:PAYDONE=0000022854>CRLF ----------------------------------------------------------------- ^ .+ [22-12-20 21:25:20.141] FROM LIVE <04:PAYDONE=0000022855>CRLF ----------------------------------------------------------------- ( End of file ) .+

    Now, given the exact INPUT text, provided by @zorba-greek :

    [22-12-20 21:16:04.521] FROM LIVE <$011B4B50:FleetCard_10:1,51.75,1,1,200001,Fleet No,5411,34319,TARJETA,,51.75,,3,0,1> [22-12-20 21:16:04.553] auth accepted tag=9812120450668474 device=V2 [22-12-20 21:16:40.185] FROM LIVE <02:PAYDONE=0000022851> [22-12-20 21:17:20.677] TO LIVE <$011B4910:FleetCard_1:9812120450669349> [22-12-20 21:17:21.270] FROM LIVE <$011B4910:FleetCard_10:1,49.48,1,1,200001,Fleet No,5237,34320,TARJETA,,49.48,,2,0,1> [22-12-20 21:17:21.333] auth accepted tag=9812120450669349 device=V1 [22-12-20 21:18:44.345] FROM LIVE <02:PAYDONE=0000022852> [22-12-20 21:19:16.399] FROM LIVE <03:PAYDONE=0000022853> [22-12-20 21:20:18.292] TO LIVE <$011B5150:FleetCard_1:9812120450669482> [22-12-20 21:20:19.073] FROM LIVE <$011B5150:FleetCard_10:1,51.75,1,1,200001,Fleet No,2001,34321,TARJETA,,51.75,,3,0,1> [22-12-20 21:20:19.167] auth accepted tag=9812120450669482 device=V1 [22-12-20 21:21:53.536] TO LIVE <$011B4B50:FleetCard_1:9812120450668854> [22-12-20 21:21:54.286] FROM LIVE <$011B4B50:FleetCard_10:1,51.75,1,1,200001,Fleet No,5418,34322,TARJETA,,51.75,,3,0,1> [22-12-20 21:21:54.301] auth accepted tag=9812120450668854 device=V2 [22-12-20 21:25:11.284] FROM LIVE <02:PAYDONE=0000022854> [22-12-20 21:25:20.141] FROM LIVE <04:PAYDONE=0000022855>

    We get the expected OUTPUT text :

    Fleet No : 5411 tag : 9812120450668474 Fleet No : 5237 tag : 9812120450669349 Fleet No : 2001 tag : 9812120450669482 Fleet No : 5418 tag : 9812120450668854

    Notes :

    In the search regex, I use the free-spacing mode, (?x), for an easy reading of the different parts of this regex

    You probably noticed that all ranges of text, in my regex, need to be non-greedy ranges ( Syntax = .+? ), as each range must not contain, itself, the strings Fleet No and tag= nor the final line break !

    As this regex does not include the final line-break, it will keep them, as is, in the OUTPUT text

    The replacement regex (?1Fleet No \: $1 tag \: $2:) means :

    IF a Fleet number is found ( (?1... ) it rewrites the string Fleet No : followed with the Fleet number ( $1 ), the string tag = and the tag number $2, all separated with space chars and colon chars when needed

    ELSE it replaces with everything between the last : character, after $2 and the end of the conditional replacement ) i.e. nothing so it deletes all the remaining text till the very end of current file !

    Remark that the two first : chars, in replacement, are literal characters and must be escaped, in order to be rewritten as is when the group 1 is present

    Best Regards,


  • is there a way to move files up and down inside a list of opened files

    0 Votes
    8 Posts

    @mkupper Thanks, I was just looking a way to move items up and down in the “Document list” pane, and that’s exactly the way (Ctrl-Shift-PageUp and Ctrl-Shift-PageDown). Awesome.