• Replace Notepad on Windows 11

    0 Votes
    21 Posts
    Dome TorretoD

    i was facing same issue but now it helps me alot… thanks

  • Can I tell np++ the encoding via pseudo comment?

    0 Votes
    10 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    Just to circle back (finally) on this; I ended up NOT pursuing a scripted solution to this because I didn’t hear anything back from the OP, and I don’t have great interest in this for my own use. Just FYI.

  • Find/replace across 100's of servers using automated script

    0 Votes
    7 Posts
    Michael VincentM


    So you need a local scripting / templating solution that allows you to specify the INI file template and variables and then have a “database” of variable to value mappings for each server. Run a script to create the configs, Ansible to deploy.

    There are several templating frameworks out there (Jinja2 and Mako come to mind for Python).

    I’m still failing to see how any of this is related to Notepad++ other than using Notepad++ to edit the files / templates and write your scripts.


  • Find and delete <p></p>line in HTML

    0 Votes
    6 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @jackdeland said in Find and delete <p></p>line in HTML:

    Do you really want approx. 60 permutations and slapdash tries at everything? I am working 4 deadlines currently and don’t have anymore time to learn all I need. I have only twice asked for help in a forum with others far beyond my tech proficiency in one area, and I see I am dealing with some very insecure people. SO glad I am not in your world.

    Wow. Seriously.

    Since the answer was provided before that rant was typed, paraphrasing it, I think it reads “Thank you Peter Jones for the kindly help”.

  • Search In Files does not work for PDF

    0 Votes
    3 Posts


    See the FAQ for more on what Alan mentioned.

  • No smaller Line Spacing

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @GregorJan ,

    For font size, it is absolutely possible. Here are a pair of screenshots showing that I have Default Style at 10pt and Line Number Margin at 5pt:

    Or here’s one with Brace Highlight Style set to 5pt – the first screenshot shows the braces not highlighted, at 10 pt; the second shows them highlighted, at 5pt.

    However, you said,

    line spacing

    Sorry, line spacing is not individually configurable. Notepad++ computes the smallest line spacing it can from all the applicable font-size settings.

    The reason it cannot follow just the line number or brace-matching height is because a line can be a mix of various styles:

    In the ExtSettings plugin, you can use negative values (you have to use the down arrows to go negative; it wouldn’t let me type a negative value) in the line-spacing entries, which allows you to “squish” the line size lower than Notepad++ wants to go; that might be sufficient for you:

    Warning: If you go too negative, it will clip normal text:

  • File Cannot Be Saved

    0 Votes
    8 Posts

    @PeterJones You are absolutely right about the administrator mode. I used to find administrator mode somehow better, but it is not:

    e.g. drag and drop from MS Windows Explorer can no longer be used when Notepad++ is open in administrator mode in Vista and later because low-privileged processes cannot send messages to higher-privileged processes,

  • Wildcard Find/Replace with numerous lines in between?

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Michael-Beck said in Wildcard Find/Replace with numerous lines in between?:

    Anyone know if this is possible

    Yes, someone knows it is possible.

    Oh, you wanted more than that, eh? ;-)

    Then yes, I know it is possible.

    Still not enough? ;-)

    Use the “Regular Expression” mode an “☑ . matches newline” checkbox.


    FIND = "items": \\[.*?\\]
    REPLACE = "items": []


    You need to use \\[ instead of just [ in the FIND expression, because [ has special meaning to regex, and the \ prefix tells the regex to look for the literal opening square bracket, not treat it as the special regex character


    Useful References Please Read Before Posting Template for Search/Replace Questions Formatting Forum Posts Notepad++ Online User Manual: Searching/Regex FAQ: Where to find other regular expressions (regex) documentation
  • Encoding of files with ASCII only

    0 Votes
    4 Posts


    If I understood the question correctly, OP implicitly asked if there is a way to report the encoded file as, in his case, ANSI if it contains only ASCII characters. Based on my previous statement, this is not possible. Even if I use a hex editor, there is no way to tell if I wanted to use the file as ANSI or as some other encoding with ASCII characters as a subset. If I misunderstood the question, sorry.

  • copy all mobile numbers starting with 9

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Paul WormerP

    @guy038 Thank you. I always overlooked the button Copy Marked Text. Now I understand that it copies to the clipboard, good to know!

  • 0 Votes
    7 Posts

    Hello, @datatraveller1 and All,

    No, I think that your regex S/R is just the right one and cannot be improved significantly ;-))

    Perhaps it’s good to recall that, at the end of your replacement string, you must insert \r\n if you use Windows files OR \n if you use Unix files

    An other formulation would be to split out this S/R in two individual S/Rs :

    SEARCH [([0-9])],?

    REPLACE $1\)\);\r\n

    Then :

    SEARCH (?-s)^(?=.)

    REPLACE System.out.println\(dataStream.consec\

    But, no advantage for doing this as the first search regex is identical in the two cases !

    Best Regards,


  • Filter data

    0 Votes
    9 Posts

    @Alan-Kilborn Great, Thank you!

  • find missing closing brackets

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Mary-Cook ,

    It would be the same, except use \\[ or \x5B instead of the first quote (for the part where you want to match the opening bracket). And \\] or \x5D instead of the closing quote (to match the closing bracket).

    Or if you mean () for brackets, then use \( or \x28 for the opening parentheses, and \) or \x29 for the closing parentheses.

    Or if you mean {} for brackets, then use { or \x7B for the opening curly brace, and } or \x7D for the closing curly brace.

    User Manual: Regular Expressions
  • Delete spaces not followed by characters

    0 Votes
    5 Posts


    This one works perfectly

    Thanks again for your help !!

  • More space at the left of the first column

    0 Votes
    13 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @guy038 said in More space at the left of the first column:

    And to get the very end of current line, in all cases, affect a shortcut to the Scintilla command SCI_LINEEND

    That reminds me of some related discussion as part of this thread: https://community.notepad-plus-plus.org/topic/23381

  • How do I move bookmarks to a copy of the same file?

    0 Votes
    20 Posts
    Paul WormerP

    I prepared a pedestrian script that mimicks the all command of Xedit and Kedit. Just like those two editors (that both date from before color screens came into existence) my script doesn’t do any coloring. I hope that the bug in the Scintilla routine hideLines is circumvented by invoking it twice. [During my writing of the script, it indeed happened several times that not all lines were hidden after issuing editor.hideLines(0, int(editor.getLineCount())-1 )].

    Here comes the script:

    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function # Python 2.7 from Npp import * def disp_only_lines(string_to_show): ''' Display only the lines that contain `string_to_show`. ''' Lines_to_show = set() def handle(m): Lines_to_show.add(editor.lineFromPosition(m.start())) # Loop over whole file, calling `handle` for each find: editor.search(string_to_show, handle) # Sort numbers of lines containing `string_to_show`: Lines_to_show_sorted = sorted(list(Lines_to_show)) # Hide all lines (twice because of bug in Scintilla): editor.hideLines(0, int(editor.getLineCount())-1 ) editor.hideLines(0, int(editor.getLineCount())-1 ) # Actual showing of lines to be shown: for line_shown in Lines_to_show_sorted: editor.showLines(line_shown, line_shown) def tab_callback(args): ''' Called after return from other tab. ''' global save_bufferID, display_all, string_to_show if save_bufferID == args['bufferID'] and not display_all: disp_only_lines(string_to_show) #### Main #### save_bufferID = notepad.getCurrentBufferID() notepad.clearCallbacks(tab_callback) notepad.callback(tab_callback, [NOTIFICATION.BUFFERACTIVATED]) # Role of boolean `display_all`: # if true all lines are displayed, else some lines are hidden. try: if display_all: string_to_show = editor.getSelText() editor.setEmptySelection(editor.getCurrentPos()) # Undo selection except NameError: # First time in, `display_all` does not exist display_all = True string_to_show = editor.getSelText() editor.setEmptySelection(editor.getCurrentPos()) # Undo selection if len(string_to_show) == 0 and display_all: notepad.messageBox('No string selected', 'all.py') else: if display_all: disp_only_lines(string_to_show) display_all = False # Not all lines are displayed else: editor.showLines(0, int(editor.getLineCount())-1 ) display_all = True # All lines are displayed string_to_show = ''
  • replacing a specific text from a another file

    0 Votes
    14 Posts

    Thank you guys.
    For your feedback to me.
    I will study the subject of “regular expressions” in more detail.

    If it applies to my work and makes it VERY easy, then I must know something about it right.

    I’ve looked at your answers before, and they’ve helped me with other obvious things, but obviously I didn’t understand anything about coding,
    Still, your altruism and help made sense to me.
    And the way you help people is nothing but respect.
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    I understand that old-timers are willing to give a year, a couple of years, or even a decade to learn.
    And then someone like me shows up and “help me do it for me,” no, that’s not it, and that’s not the plan I had when I started my thread.

    You showed me, and for that I want to say thank you.

  • Fold/Unfold is acting inconsistently.

    1 Votes
    3 Posts
    ludamo 0L

    Yes I noticed something like this recently. I folded a few functions in a large AHK file (over 3000 lines), then started to add a new function below the folded ones and seemed to lose the folded functions? Fortunately multiple undoes saved me from starting from a backup.
    I tried it again just now but couldn’t replicate it. I am using version 8.4.8.

  • user defined languaje dialog, multiline comments

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    carlos CharlyC

    @PeterJones Thank you! Using EnhanceAnyLexer plugin In 10 minutes I colored my special multiline comments! Good solution!

  • 0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Thanks for your code, it helped me to finally get the function list working for Javascript classes.

    As a reference for others who find this topic, I got the code to work by following this page of the manual. It referenced this page, which mentions that the file structure for use with Notepad++ v7.9.1 and later should be like this:

    <NotepadPlus><functionList> [your parser code goes here] </functionList></NotepadPlus>

    I don’t know about the points mentioned by MAPJe71 but it works for me. :-)