• Close tab focusing on last tab, not the closer tab

    1 Votes
    4 Posts
    Scott SumnerS


    Is it possible to open a feature request

    This will tell you have to make a feature request: https://notepad-plus-plus.org/community/topic/15741/faq-desk-feature-request

  • Set *.wri as default save extension

    1 Votes
    8 Posts
  • change "this" color

    1 Votes
    7 Posts
    Claudia FrankC


    no, ((EOL)) is the only special variable you could use together with UDL.


  • How to enable seeing unique symbols?

    1 Votes
    11 Posts
    Claudia FrankC

    There seem to be a difference in OS as well because I went through all of the installed
    fonts on my linux and none of them behave like described. I always see a consistent behavior regardless whether the 〕is used in front or not.
    For example the font DejaVu Sans Mono on linux show only the rectangles.


  • 1 Votes
    6 Posts
    Claudia FrankC


    sorry - seems I totally misunderstood what OP was asking for.
    I thought OP wants to jump back to the original (starting) position,
    not to the last position which was ok to be replaced. And now I’m thinking that
    this jump (to where the action started) wasn’t possible before at all.


  • Delete multiple characters or words with "Find and Replace" at once

    2 Votes
    7 Posts
    marko marinM

    @Scott-Sumner said:

    You must open the door immediately.

    and I got
    You must open the door immediately.

    which was what I wanted.

  • Cannot save updated/modified file.

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Claudia FrankC


    could it be that you try to save the file with saveas instead of save?


  • It seems that Notepad++ is locking the Clipboard.

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Claudia FrankC


    Has anyone else noticed this?

    Not me, could it be that you are using a plugin which is locking the clipboard?
    If not, could you describe a reproducible scenario when this happens?


  • Open folder as project issue

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Claudia FrankC


    open folder as project only allows me to select desktop for some reason anyone know why or how to fix it?

    Could you please a little bit more specific what exactly you are doing?
    For more information see here.

    Also I’m looking for a autosave every x amount of seconds plugin that works with the newest notepad++ if anyone knows of one thanks.

    What is the issue with the ones available via plugin manager?
    Or are you affected by this.

  • Add to Supported Extensions

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Claudia FrankC


    not 100% sure I understand your issue correctly but is this your problem?


  • how to search for selected text

    2 Votes
    4 Posts
    Shmizan BS

    thanks! this is exactly what I was looking for.

  • Paste preserving the indentation + Whitespace conversion issue.

    0 Votes
    15 Posts

    that would be the case if it was you who was also indenting with 2 spaces, but you are not the only one who codes, you get a code from other people who may indent with 4 spaces, 6 spaces, 8 spaces or whatever it is that they decided to indent with.

    Then, you want to convert that to your own style, and you cannot do this automatically, you still have to manually do it, by going into the preferences and changing your tab length to whatever the other coder formatted with, then you open another code formatted with a different set of spaces, then you do the same etc.

    At least, it would be nice if we had like a tab length : 2 option in the status bar, where you can quickly set your tab length.

    We can easily see what EOL the file is formatted with and convert the EOLs from the statusbar.
    I really like that EOL option offered there on the status bar, and is perfect.
    But, the same is simply not the case for the indents. That area, I think can be improved upon programmatically.

    If anyone knows a script to make these conversions more automatic, please let me know.

  • 0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Max SouthM


    It turns out that NP++ executable process returns “ready” state to Windows API before it is actually ready as it still running plugin activity. In my case JSLint’s syntax check of Unix-LF (UTF-8 without BOM) files apparently takes longer versus Windows-CRLF (UTF-8 without BOM) files, and this is how NP++ ends up not being able to process “Control+S” as a short-cut to save the file, but as a text input that shows up as “DC3”, corrupting it. Thus the solution is to use “Sleep 1000” AutoHotKey command before generating “Control+S” key combination or to swap it with the call for JSLint syntax check.

    However, why the underlying issue of NP++ allowing ASCII control codes to be inserted in the text is still not fixed, is still a question. At no circumstances NP++ should allow the corruption of texts by garbage.

  • Preserve file modification date

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    ‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’’ @PeterJones

    Let me get this straight: you want to modify (change) the file, then save it, but not have the file’s modification time changed?


    … to follow standard practices

    Whose standard practices and for whom?
    The essence of the question is exactly to move away from standard practice.

    … otherwise, the modification time becomes meaningless.

    Hm-m… Meaningless… For you? May be.
    But for me - just vice-versa.

    … you want to corrupt the modification time, …

    Do not say such things out loud.
    I want to keep it unchanged. You see the difference between this terms?

    … on your own, after saving, you can use …

    Thank you. Very much!
    I have a lot of I can and before, and after :)
    I have the bundle of such applications for Windows.
    And surrogate automation I have already now.
    However, I want not ‘after saving’, but instead of it, by the forces of Npp itself.

    ‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’’ @gstavi

    Obviously … API …

    I think so too.
    However, nothing prevents to save opened file’s attributes in dark and cool place, and then bring them back. There are a lot of SetFileTime related functions.

    … that is typically reserved for malicious users.

    And you too - do not say such things out loud.

    ‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’’ @Scott Sumner

    The OP did not state WHY s/he wanted to retain the file’s old modification time. Let’s presume there is a perfectly valid reason for wanting this.

    Thank you for moral support :)

    … would cause N++'s File Status Auto-Detection …
    May be. And Monitoring too.
    But it is a very special case and the interference of these functions should simply not be allowed at the level of the Npp itself. Especially because the timestamp changing event will raise twice - first by OS, and the second - by Npp, when time stam will restored.

    I have ownwrited application that run 24x5 and I use API Function ‘WriteFile’, constantly appending data w/o closing handle. I tried now on this remoted PC to open this log in old Npp 6.6.2 - Auto-Detection do not work. I try open it as share on my desktop Npp 7.3.2 - nor Auto-Detection, nor Monitoring not work. But the file is intensilty appending :) and OS show the unchanged time of file creating.

    OK. At least - few words about wtf it need for me :)

    I often have to go to the archives of code, both my own and others. In Far-manager this is all quite easy and meticulously (time, content, size) is compared. Troubles appears when the difference between files is in extra space, linebreak etc. It need to correct 2-3 bytes of code, but, getting identical content, I loose historical timestamp, in first, and in second - got error of compare by time :)

    It is very troublesome to use a third party programs for this purpose - it nee to save original time by some manner, edit-save file and set saved time, that need to be passed by some manner too…

    If Npp had this feature, but I already guess that it does not have it, then it would be enough to spit out the file from the archive, edit it and throw it back.

  • How do I combined each 2 lines with a :

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @Fouad-tbz You can also use Macro for this. First, place the caret on the first line, in front of the first word. Start the macro recording and type the following keys:

    End : Delete Down arrow Home

    Stop the recording. Play the macro (1 time or repeat).

  • Recreate session from backup folder

    1 Votes
    4 Posts
    Scott SumnerS

    Maybe worth pointing out that periodic autosaving of the working session is fairly easy to script…

  • Running multiple instances of Notepad++ with regular autosave

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Scott SumnerS

    @Irate-CPR said:

    …backup feature…because it constantly saves my notes to a backup folder…so that I won’t lose anything in case of a BSOD or application crash.

    I would not be lulled into a false sense of security because of this…I was…and then I lost hours worth of work (when I thought I would have lost changes only since my last saves of the files I had been working on. You can read more of my unhappy story if you’d care to. Also, see many more such sad stories in the links I provided here. Finally, this is a FAQ Desk topic; see here.

    the new text file will be named " new1 "…Now since they’re both named the same…

    They really aren’t named the same…they aren’t named at all. I will never understand why people seem to hang onto these “new” files and expect all of Notepad++'s functionality (and plugins) to work with them like they are “real” files. They exist only as purely temporary scratchpad files, or as a really short-lived thing until a file is saved properly. My opinions only, based on observations after long-use…

    It has been a long while since I used TakeNotes, but it seems like what I remember about how it functions would not cause an issue for your intended use. But apparently you have investigated it and found that it does.

  • I want to remove certain range. Please help me

    2 Votes
    10 Posts
    Scott SumnerS


    HAha…I tested with {2} in place of {145}…much less work to create test data that way…I just changed it to 145 for posting!


    Of course, if we could ever get the \A to work… :-(

  • Problems with opening files for editing

    1 Votes
    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • Turn On/Off AutoUpdate for individual tab ..

    1 Votes
    4 Posts


    Sorry for leading apostrophe,
    but I can’t turn-off Markdown formatting (that is strange) on whole big block… :((

    ’ I did some little tests on your advice. Thank you once more :)

    ’ The results are:
    ’ - Both features interferes with each other, however
    ’ - Monitoring overrided Auto-Update and
    ’ - There is no necessity to turn off Auto-Update
    ’ So, the Monitoring is similar to Auto-Update with turned-On both of its -Silent & -Scroll options, but applied to individual tabm but it is the only…

    ’ However, It’s the step forward already - The Monitoring :)
    ’ But it is the palliative only :(

    ’ My goals are to have file changes monitoring feature, but with the following properties:
    ’ - do not move focus on the tab, where changes was happened, but …
    ’ - … mark the tab with any way to attract the user’s attention;
    ’ - avoid of popupped message boxes;
    ’ - if message boxes are need yet, then to make their behavior more intelligent (focus, default button, position), when we have many of them;
    ’ - optionally avoid scrolling.

    ’ All of this targets (except scrolling) are easy achieved by the only & single feature:
    ’ - turn-Off Auto-Update individally (in the first approximation);

    ’ The next, more complexitive step is to make ALL Auto-Update options to be changed individally in contrary to their global settings.

    ’ I.e. The Monitoring, as separate feature, becomes to no need at all :)

    ’ For whose of them, who are lazy to click two checkboxes instead of a single one, there is the possibility to add a special ‘X-Monitoring as tail -f’ checkbox, that will only automaticaly set On/Off for both -Silent & -Scroll simultaneously :)

    ’ The Scrolling, logically, is more closely relates to the Update(Reload) function itself, but not to the way by which Update(Reload) is proceeded - Manually, by Auto-Update or by Monitoring. So it need to add in common ierarchy of global options the separate ‘Scroll on Reload(Update)’ option. And to make possible to override it by Global Auto-Update setting, that can be overrided, in its turn, by individually tab’s option.

    ’ Summarizing, I see the following settings (On/Off checkboxes) …:

    ’ … in “Preferences - MISC.” chapter:

    ’ ‘Reload (Update)’ frame (add):
    ’ - ‘Scroll on Reload (Update)’

    ’ ‘File Status Auto-Detection (Auto-Update)’ frame:
    ’ - ‘Enable’
    ’ - ‘X-Monitoring as tail -f’ (turn On both below) (add)
    ’ - - ‘Update(Reload) Silently’ (turn Off X-Monitoring if Off)
    ’ - - ‘Scroll (override Reload Scroll)’ (turn Off X-Monitoring if Off)

    ’ … in tab context menu with elements of the same behavior:
    ’ --------------------------
    ’ Reload section
    ’ - ‘Reload’ (command)
    ’ - ‘Scroll’ (checkbox)
    ’ --------------------------
    ’ Auto-Update(Reload) section (checkboxes)
    ’ - ‘Enable’
    ’ - ‘X-Monitoring as tail -f’
    ’ - - ‘Update(Reload) Silently’
    ’ - - 'Scroll

    ’ Thanks to everyone who was able to read up to this point :)
