• 0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    Heheh…Peter holds people hostage to some decoding effort…hehehe. Wish I’d thought of that technique. It’s got snarky me written all over it. LOL

    In other words, Nice one Peter!

  • Mass editing G-code

    0 Votes
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    Levente VargaL

    Now it works like a charm. Thank you again!

  • notepad ++ recent files

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  • how to export a column from notepad++ file to csv file format

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @Akshay-Khatavkar said :

    I want to get certain columns from the file and convert it to csv file format

    You could do it with code. Or you could use Notepad++'s column-select mode (*) to grab a column and paste it into your favorite spreadsheet app.

    *: Edit > Column Mode… shows you how: e0a84169-ecc7-41f2-947e-365178020c69-image.png

  • Advanced Visual Theme

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @The-Rain said in Advanced Visual Theme:

    Is it possible to apply a visual design like this for Notepad ++? Why?

    No. You cannot affect the styling of the GUI itself in that manner.

    You can affect the text and background colors, so you can make light text on dark background: there are plenty of builtin “dark” themes that ship with Notepad++, or you can design your own theme to your liking. There is documentation on themes and the Preferences > Style Configurator dialog.

  • can't compile java codes

    0 Votes
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    rinku singhR

    @Rohin-Maleywar said in can't compile java codes:

    Error: Could not find Java SE Runtime Environment.

    set a working directory first

    cd directory

  • Plugin for opening files from clicking text in a file?

    1 Votes
    8 Posts
    rinku singhR

    @GreatMCGamer said in Plugin for opening files from clicking text in a file?:

    When clicked the plugin will look for the specified file by going 2 folders backwards from the file



    wacth at youtube

  • Custom Styles for 'Special' Comments

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Thomas BenedictT

    @PeterJones said in Custom Styles for 'Special' Comments:

    So I see a conflict: do you want to use a UDL ([Language > Define Your Language](https://npp-user-manual.org/docs/user-
    If using the builtin HTML lexer, unfortunately Settings > Style Configurator > HTML dialog doesn’t seem to list any styles that have user-defined keywords. And even if you could, I think comments would override that.

    I was hoping to simply modify the built in HTML lexer. Thanks for confirming that that is not possible.

    However, there are workarounds:

    you can add extra highlighting to a builtin lexer (like the HTML lexer) using regexes via the script EnhanceAnyBuiltinLexer.py that @Ekopalypse shares, in this linked post you can add extra highlighting to a UDL language using regexes via the script EnhanceUDLLexer.py that @Ekopalypse shares in this linked post

    I will check these out, but regex is usually challenging for me. I’ll give it a go.

    Thanks again,

    Tom Benedict

  • UDL-XML for Perl

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @Gerhard-Petrowitsch said in UDL-XML for Perl:

    Can you give me a pointer on how to realize option 1?

    The Preferences > Style Configurator documentation explains:

    Some language/style combinations (like Preferences > Style Configurator > Perl > INSTRUCTION WORD) will additionally have a list of default keywords (not editable) and user-defined keywords (which allow you to add new keywords to apply this style to).

  • Notepad++ File Association vs. No Authenication

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    3 Posts

    @Randy-Reist said in Notepad++ File Association vs. No Authenication:

    authentication error.

    Authentication errors in Notepad++ sound like a proxy issue. See this topic for how to set up Notepad++ to properly see your proxy. Unfortunately, there are some proxy configurations that NPP doesn’t handle. You may have to turn off the auto-updater, and manually install updates and maybe plugins as well.

  • Wrong folder position

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  • Looking for a boost regular expression

    0 Votes
    11 Posts

    @MAPJe71 , @Alan-Kilborn

    yes, that is helpful - thank you very much.

  • Join and break lines

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    i’m using notepad 7.7.1

  • Notepad++, Scintilla, SendMessages and Delphi

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    @Sun-Bright said in Notepad++, Scintilla, SendMessages and Delphi:

    But it seems that this will be impossible, because from the address space of my program, the scintilla will not be able to get data in the address space of npp.

    You can actually send strings back and forth, even from another process. I’m starting to do it in my developing perl-driving-npp module. I don’t know how to do it in delphi, but the commands involved are VirtualAllocEx, WriteProcessMemory, ReadProcessMemory, and VirtualFreeEx. (Oh, I misinterpreted @Ekopalypse’s response; he was saying the same thing. But now I’ve linked to the official win32 api for you. :-) )

    They may be called something else in Delphi. (For example, in the perl wrapper Win32::GuiTest I am using for issuing the SendMessage to NPP, they call those AllocateVirtualBuffer, WriteToVirtualBuffer, ReadFromVirtualBuffer, and FreeVirtualBuffer.

    For commands that want to get or send a single string, like NPPM_DOOPEN for sending a string via LPARAM, or NPPM_GETFULLPATHFROMBUFFERID for reading a string via LPARAM, I use the following sequences successfully.

    # $obj->SendMessage_getUcs2le( $message_id, $wparam ): # issues a SendMessage, and grabs a string up to 1024 bytes, and # converts them from UCS-2 LE into up to 512 perl characters # (includes the memory allocation necessary for cross-application communication) # RETURN: the Perl string sub SendMessage_getUcs2le { my $self = shift; croak "no object sent" unless defined $self; my $msgid = shift; croak "no message id sent" unless defined $msgid; my $wparam = shift || 0; my $buf_uc2le = Win32::GuiTest::AllocateVirtualBuffer( $self->hwnd, 1024 ); # 1024 byte string maximum Win32::GuiTest::WriteToVirtualBuffer( $buf_uc2le, "\0"x1024 ); # pre-populate my $rslt = $self->SendMessage( $msgid, $wparam, $buf_uc2le->{ptr}); #diag "SendMessage_getStr(@{[$self->hwnd]}, $msgid, $wparam, @{[explain $buf_uc2le]} ) = $rslt"; my $rbuf = Win32::GuiTest::ReadFromVirtualBuffer( $buf_uc2le, 1024 ); Win32::GuiTest::FreeVirtualBuffer( $buf_uc2le ); return substr Encode::decode('ucs2-le', $rbuf), 0, $rslt; # return the valid characters from the raw string } # $obj->SendMessage_sendStrAsUcs2le( $message_id, $wparam , $lparam_string ): # issues a SendMessage, sending a string (encoded as UCS-2 LE) sub SendMessage_sendStrAsUcs2le { my $self = shift; croak "no object sent" unless defined $self; my $msgid = shift; croak "no message id sent" unless defined $msgid; my $wparam = shift; croak "no wparam sent" unless defined $wparam; my $lparam_string = shift; croak "no lparam string sent" unless defined $lparam_string; # convert string to UCS-2 LE my $ucs2le = Encode::encode('ucs2-le', $lparam_string); # copy string into virtual buffer my $buf_str = Win32::GuiTest::AllocateVirtualBuffer( $self->hwnd, length($ucs2le) ); Win32::GuiTest::WriteToVirtualBuffer( $buf_str, $ucs2le ); # send the message with the string ptr as the lparam my $rslt = Win32::GuiTest::SendMessage($self->hwnd, $msgid, $wparam, $buf_str->{ptr}); # clear virtual buffer Win32::GuiTest::FreeVirtualBuffer( $buf_str ); # return return $rslt; }

    (And yes, I successfully use those same sequences for talking with the NPP hwnd and the Scintilla hwnds.)

    Similar sequences, but using Delphi syntax and function names, should work for those commands.

    I’m actually still working on getting the more complicated messages (which want WPARAM as a TCHAR** rather than just a TCHAR*), but the above wrappers work for all the single-string LPARAM messages.

  • Render FF/FormFeed/#12 as a Separator line

    0 Votes
    9 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    Seems like this would have to be something Scintilla needs to support before Notepad++ could even think about supporting it. So I think the best answer to the original question is “No”.

  • How to compile and sign Notepad++ ?

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    4 Posts

    @Alan-Kilborn ,

    As @Ekopalypse said the bigger part of the thread is lost during the transition to the new site.

    To make the long story short, I wanted to play a bit with the NUL-ified file contents on sudden reboot / power loss.
    There was no need for signing and I couldn’t build it on my own because I don’t have recent Visual Studio but I used the automatic integration (AppVeyor) to help with that.

    I made this PR (https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/pull/6164) which hopefully fixes the issue.
    I don’t think much more can be done without further complications. Just to note that config and session files are still prone to the NUL problem because I didn’t want to introduce changes to TinyXML lib code at this point.

    If this PR gets merged only time will tell if the issue if fixed. If it doesn’t appear again a new patch can be made that uses the same Win32 file API to save also the configs and session files (making their saving safer as well).
    I would also use that same API to load files removing totally C run-time APIs but let’s make things one step at a time. Otherwise changes will be difficult to review and to get merged.

    This topic can be closed / locked.

  • Function list new language parser

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    Thanks @MAPJe71

    it was the “userDefinedLangName”
    was set to “XXX-…” and should be “xxx-…”
    to exactly match the name of the language
    in the Language menu… (it is case sensitive…)

  • How do I get NP++ to enter characters via hex codes?

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Hmm. Looks like it ought to work, thank you.

  • ARRAY for note pad ++ PLEASE HELP!!

    0 Votes
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    lol im willing you to give u my email??? u cant help me out at all??? ill pay you too

  • 0 Votes
    6 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    So, sadly, the site migration lost a reply I made to this earlier. Luckily I still had the text of most of it in an N++ tab! :)

    Here’s the earlier reply again:

    We can accomplish this by borrowing from the info found here.

    As an example, say you want to skip 3 lines at the top of file, then replace then next 5 lines with something else. Note: Another way to say it is to replace line numbers 4 through 8.

    Use this regular expression search expression to match the lines: (?-s)(?<!\x0A)^(?:.*\R){3}\K(?:.*\R){5} and do a Replace-All with whatever you’d like (replace with nothing to delete those lines).

    Note that you have to do a Replace-All and not a simple Replace due to the \K syntax used. For the details of why this works, see the earlier referenced link.