Hello @ahmed-izler and All,
Here is my solution… with regexes, of course ;-))
So, given this example, below, where :
Three sections, out of five, end with Option 2
A variable amount of empty lines, even 0, exists between sections
Two sections are preceded with leadings space and tabulation characters
vorname: Alfred nachname: Weber geburtsdatum: 17.01.1981 Strasse: Wolfgangstraße HausNr: 12 PLZ: 45598 Wohnort: Essen Etage: EG Lage: links Tel: 0176048784263 email: richardweber1m@yahoo.com IBAN: DE4XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX5 XXXXXXXXXX Option 2 vorname: Alfred nachname: Weber geburtsdatum: 17.01.1981 Strasse: Wolfgangstraße HausNr: 12 PLZ: 45598 Wohnort: Essen Etage: EG Lage: links Tel: 0176048784263 email: richardweber1m@yahoo.com IBAN: DE4XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX5 XXXXXXXXXX vorname: Alfred nachname: Weber geburtsdatum: 17.01.1981 Strasse: Wolfgangstraße HausNr: 12 PLZ: 45598 Wohnort: Essen Etage: EG Lage: links Tel: 0176048784263 email: richardweber1m@yahoo.com IBAN: DE4XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX5 XXXXXXXXXX Option 2 vorname: Alfred nachname: Weber geburtsdatum: 17.01.1981 Strasse: Wolfgangstraße HausNr: 12 PLZ: 45598 Wohnort: Essen Etage: EG Lage: links Tel: 0176048784263 email: richardweber1m@yahoo.com IBAN: DE4XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX5 XXXXXXXXXX vorname: Alfred nachname: Weber geburtsdatum: 17.01.1981 Strasse: Wolfgangstraße HausNr: 12 PLZ: 45598 Wohnort: Essen Etage: EG Lage: links Tel: 0176048784263 email: richardweber1m@yahoo.com IBAN: DE4XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX5 XXXXXXXXXX Option 2Open the Replace dialog ( Ctrl + H )
SEARCH (?s)^\h*vorname:.+?(\R)(\h*Tel:\h+.+?\R\h*email:\h+.+?\R).+?\R(\h*Option 2\R*)?(?=\h*vorname:|\z)
REPLACE ?3\2\1
Tick the Wrap aroud option, if necessary
Select the Regular expression search mode
Click on the Replace All button, or several times on the Replace button
You’ll get this output, with the indentation kept :
Tel: 0176048784263 email: richardweber1m@yahoo.com Tel: 0176048784263 email: richardweber1m@yahoo.com Tel: 0176048784263 email: richardweber1m@yahoo.comSo, @ahmed-izler, if this result is the one that you expect to, I’ll give you some hints on the regex S/R, next time !
Best Regards