• [8.6.2] Display live console to work with Python script?

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    @Ekopalypse said in [8.6.2] Display live console to work with Python script?:

    then you can use quit() as long as you understand what it does.

    Correction: this should actually read:

    then you can use exit() as long as you understand what it does.

  • is auto gcode line format conversion possible

    0 Votes
    2 Posts


    Have you looked at either of these?

    CNC Gcode backplot/simulation plugin https://ncnetic.com/notepad-gcode-plugin

    I don’t know if either of those is capable of reading the formats you use and then writing the data in the other formats you want to use.

    I found the above links using Google for notepad++ cnc plugin as it seems what you are asking for is an editor that has the ability to “save-as” your drawing in various formats.

  • date and time on openning file

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
  • enclose each character of string in {}

    0 Votes
    6 Posts
    Bill KristyB

    @Alan-Kilborn @mkupper Thank you very much everyone, {$0} did the trick! Pure gold for me, thanks again!

  • 0 Votes
    9 Posts

    @Alan-Kilborn said in Как поменять цвет и размер шрифта уведомления в окне поиска?:

    Or, it could be simpler and just use one color (currently the green, but to be made programmatic) for both.

    I added a comment to Issue #9309 with my suggested ideas of either using colors from Tones, or having the colors choosable in Preferences > Searching .

    I’m not hopeful that anything will ever come of that, but at least the suggestion is there.

  • NPP v8.6.5 crashes on Space or CRLF

    1 Votes
    3 Posts


    A couple of things:

    How long are the lines you are dealing with? You mentioned “one line of contiguous text (no spaces)”. Is the line hundreds of millions to billions of characters long? Notepad++ v8.6.3 had a regression and so was deleted and replaced with v8.6.4. Regarding “this crash behaviour started approximately when Android Studio was updated to Hedgehog 2023.1.1 Patch 2.” You will need to get far more specific about how to reproduce the Notepad++ issue before we can determine that Notepad++ now crashes due to some update or change to Windows or other software.

    I decided to re-test see if I can get something closer to your results.

    I had two sets of test files.

    The x series was created by multiplying the 100 characters ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuv resulting in a single long line. The y series was created by multiplying the 100 characters ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrst<cr><lf> resulting 98 character long lines that each use 100 bytes of disk storage.

    For Notepad++ v8.6.5 (32-bit) running with -noPlugin the results are:

    The x long line files open fine up to 100,000,000 bytes. At 200,000,000 bytes Notepad++ created a new tab for the file but never painted it. The ‘y’ short line files open fine up to 1,000,000,000 bytes. At 2,000,000,000 bytes I get a warning about Exception: File memory allocation failed with There is probably not enough contiguous free memory for the file being loaded by Notepad++ and the file fails to load. Notepad++ handles this more or less gracefully:

    With Notepad++ v8.6.5 (64-bit) running with -noPlugin the results are:

    The x long line files open fine up to 2,000,000,000 bytes and then allowed me to type a space and then <enter>. It’s getting ~slow~. At 3,000,000,000 bytes Notepad++ seemed to start loading the file but then vanished/exited few minutes later. The ‘y’ short line files open fine up to 10,000,000,000 bytes (100 million lines). I did not try with larger files as Notepad++ was fast and responsive. I have edited files in the 20gb range at times. We don’t know where the outer limits are.

    It appears that when we have a file with a single long line of [A-Za-z] characters only that Notepad++ has issues. For v8.6.5 (32-bit) they started somewhere over 100 million characters and v8.6.5 (64-bit) allowed for long lines up to 2-billion characters and was crashing at 3-billion characters.

  • question about compare with additional special chars and wildcard

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    Hi, @daniel-b-0 and All,

    Last UPDATED on 2024/05/22 : In the first version of this post, I exposed some real names of my personal photos. After reflection, I decided, for confidentiality, to change it and only show non-personal data !!

    I understand that my method cannot be used safely with files of important size. So, I’m going to expose an second method which should work in all cases !

    I experimented this new method with real data : A USB key of mine, containing 8,186 photos, collected over a period from 2004 to 2023

    ( Don’t worry, these photos are also stored on two external hard drives. In all circonstances, we must imitate the Mother Nature;, which uses RNA to code proteins and, NEVER, DNA itself for this purpose !! )

    The general organisation of my USB drive is :

    G:\_PHOTOS\2004\06_11-22_xxxxxxx - xxxxxxxxx - xxxxxxxxxxxxxx \01.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2004\06_11-22_xxxxxxx - xxxxxxxxx - xxxxxxxxxxxxxx \02.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2004\06_11-22_xxxxxxx - xxxxxxxxx - xxxxxxxxxxxxxx \03.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2004\06_11-22_xxxxxxx - xxxxxxxxx - xxxxxxxxxxxxxx \03_ORG.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2004\06_11-22_xxxxxxx - xxxxxxxxx - xxxxxxxxxxxxxx \04.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2005\01_24-29_SKI_xxxx xxxx xxxxx\01.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2005\01_24-29_SKI_xxxx xxxx xxxxx\02.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2005\01_24-29_SKI_xxxx xxxx xxxxx\03.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2005\01_24-29_SKI_xxxx xxxx xxxxx\04.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2005\01_24-29_SKI_xxxx xxxx xxxxx\05.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2005\01_24-29_SKI_xxxx xxxx xxxxx\06.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2005\01_24-29_SKI_xxxx xxxx xxxxx\07.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2005\01_24-29_SKI_xxxx xxxx xxxxx\08.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2005\01_24-29_SKI_xxxx xxxx xxxxx\09.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2005\01_24-29_SKI_xxxx xxxx xxxxx\10.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2005\03_22_SKI_xx xxxxxxx\01.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2005\03_22_SKI_xx xxxxxxx\02.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2005\03_22_SKI_xx xxxxxxx\03.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2005\08_22_xxxx xxxxxx\01.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2006\01_07_xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx\01.jpg ... ... ... G:\_PHOTOS\2023\10_01_xxxxx_xxxxx.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\10_01_xxxxx_xxxxx.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\10_08xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx\01.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\10_22_xxxxx_xxxxx_xxxxx\01.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\12_02_xxxx_xxxxxx_xxxxxx\01.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\12_15_xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx\01.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\12_15_xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx\02.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\12_15_xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx\03.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\12_15_xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx\04.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\12_15_xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx\05.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\12_15_xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx\06.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\12_15_xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx\07.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\12_15_xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx\08.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\12_15_xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx\09.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\12_15_xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx\10.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\12_15_xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx\11.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\12_15_xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx\12.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\12_15_xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx\13.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\12_26_xxxxx xxxxxxxxx xx xxxx xxxxxxx\01.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\12_26_xxxxx xxxxxxxxx xx xxxx xxxxxxx\02.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\12_26_xxxxx xxxxxxxxx xx xxxx xxxxxxx\03.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\12_31_xxxxxx - xxxxxxxx\01.jpg

    So, sorted by year, then by motif ( month_day[-day]_location_reason or, sometimes, month_day[-day]_reason_location ) and finally by photo number, with, sometimes, the initial of the person who took the photo ( -A for Annie, my sister, -X for unknown, etc, )

    In order to mimic your download.txt file, I placed the \x02 delimiters right after the G:_PHOTOS\ part and right before the \xx.jpg part; giving this format :

    G:\_PHOTOS\2004\06_11-22_xxxxxxx - xxxxxxxxx - xxxxxxxxxxxxxx \01.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2004\06_11-22_xxxxxxx - xxxxxxxxx - xxxxxxxxxxxxxx \02.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2004\06_11-22_xxxxxxx - xxxxxxxxx - xxxxxxxxxxxxxx \03.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2004\06_11-22_xxxxxxx - xxxxxxxxx - xxxxxxxxxxxxxx \03_ORG.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2004\06_11-22_xxxxxxx - xxxxxxxxx - xxxxxxxxxxxxxx \04.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2005\01_24-29_SKI_xxxx xxxx xxxxx\01.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2005\01_24-29_SKI_xxxx xxxx xxxxx\02.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2005\01_24-29_SKI_xxxx xxxx xxxxx\03.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2005\01_24-29_SKI_xxxx xxxx xxxxx\04.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2005\01_24-29_SKI_xxxx xxxx xxxxx\05.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2005\01_24-29_SKI_xxxx xxxx xxxxx\06.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2005\01_24-29_SKI_xxxx xxxx xxxxx\07.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2005\01_24-29_SKI_xxxx xxxx xxxxx\08.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2005\01_24-29_SKI_xxxx xxxx xxxxx\09.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2005\01_24-29_SKI_xxxx xxxx xxxxx\10.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2005\03_22_SKI_xx xxxxxxx\01.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2005\03_22_SKI_xx xxxxxxx\02.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2005\03_22_SKI_xx xxxxxxx\03.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2005\08_22_xxxx xxxxxx\01.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2006\01_07_xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx\01.jpg ... ... ... G:\_PHOTOS\2023\10_01_xxxxx_xxxxx.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\10_01_xxxxx_xxxxx.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\10_08xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx\01.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\10_22_xxxxx_xxxxx_xxxxx\01.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\12_02_xxxx_xxxxxx_xxxxxx\01.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\12_15_xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx\01.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\12_15_xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx\02.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\12_15_xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx\03.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\12_15_xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx\04.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\12_15_xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx\05.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\12_15_xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx\06.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\12_15_xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx\07.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\12_15_xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx\08.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\12_15_xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx\09.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\12_15_xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx\10.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\12_15_xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx\11.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\12_15_xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx\12.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\12_15_xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx\13.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\12_26_xxxxx xxxxxxxxx xx xxxx xxxxxxx\01.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\12_26_xxxxx xxxxxxxxx xx xxxx xxxxxxx\02.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\12_26_xxxxx xxxxxxxxx xx xxxx xxxxxxx\03.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2023\12_31_xxxxxx - xxxxxxxx\01.jpg

    In this way, we are sure that the zones, between delimiters, are unique like, for instance :

    G:\_PHOTOS\2010\00_abcde_fghij\01.jpg ... ... G:\_PHOTOS\2011\00_abcde_fghij\01.jpg

    Then, I randomized this file, using the N++ option :

    Edit > Line Operations > Sort Lines Randomly

    So my download.txt file looks like :

    G:\_PHOTOS\2014\08_01_xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx\009_G.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2010\03_06_SKI_xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxx\14.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2011\01_15_SKI_xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxx\06.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2014\02_21-22_xxxxxxxxxx_xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx\07.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2012\08_07-22_xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx\034_X.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2010\05_29_xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx_xxxxxxxx\14.jpg ... ... ... G:\_PHOTOS\2014\09_13_xxxxxxxxxx_xxxxxxxxxx\023.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2017\08_10-28_xx xxxx\013.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2010\10_30-31_xxxxxx_xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx\076_X.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2022\07_13-08_27_xx_xxxx\099_A.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2016\03_05-07_SKI_xxxxxxxxxxxx\006.jpg G:\_PHOTOS\2014\03_24_SKI_xxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx\44.jpg

    Secondly, I created an exist.txt file, made of all the different zones, between the STX delimiters. I obtained a file of 366 lines, whose I randomly deleted 45 of them, giving a final exist.txt file with 321 lines. So, at the end of the new method, we should get a file of all the lines containing one of the missing 45 zones !

    Important :

    For a correct realization, you must use the last v8.6.5 version of Notepad++, which improves the multi-selection process !

    In all the search/replacements, listed below :

    The Wrap around option is checked

    The Regular expression search mode is checked

    All the other options are un-checked

    Let’s go :

    First, re-copy your download.txt file as mark.txt

    Open the mark.txt file in N++

    Open the Replace dialog ( Ctrl + H )

    SEARCH (?-s)^.*\x02(.+)\x02.*

    REPLACE $1

    Click on the Replace All button

    => We just keep the zones between delimiters

    Now, use the menu option Edit > Line Operations > Sort Lines Lexicographically Ascending

    Re-open the Replace dialog ( Ctrl + H )

    SEARCH (?-s)^(.+\R)\K\1+


    Click on the Replace All button

    => The duplicate lines are deleted and your mark.txt file should have decreased drastically ! In my case, I did get a mark.txt file with only 366 different lines

    Then, append your exist.txt at the end of the mark.txt file. In my case, the file contains 366 + 321 so 687 lines

    Again, use the menu option Edit > Line Operations > Sort Lines Lexicographically Ascending

    Re-open the Replace dialog ( Ctrl + H )

    SEARCH (?-s)^(.+\R)\1


    Click on the Replace All button

    => The mark.txt file should have decreased and now contains only the zones which require downloading. In my case, it contains, as expected, 45 lines / zones !

    If the last line of the mark.txt file ends with an EOL, delete the EOL characters of this last line

    Note :

    If all or some lines contain sub-folders, you’ll have to replace any \ character with a the literal \\ string

    Now, on column 1, do a zero-length COLUMN selection of all the lines ( indication N × 0 in the status bar )

    Type in a | pipe character

    Hit the Home key

    Hit the Backspace key

    => The file is changed into a one-line file

    Hit the Home key, again

    Delete the first | character

    Finally, save the mark.txt file, now a single-line file

    Remark :

    If the entire line contains more than 2,000 characters, split this long line in parts, right before a | char and delete any | remaining at beginning and/or end of the lines

    For example :

    abc|def|.......................|uvw|xyz 01|23|.........................|67|89 Of course, in this case, you'll have to REPEAT the MARK operation, described below, for each CREATED line

    Now, re-copy your download.txt file as to_do.txt

    Switch to the mark.txt tab, containing, most of a time, just a single line

    Select all the text ( Ctrl + A )

    Open the Mark dialog ( Ctrl + M )

    => The text should be automatically inserted in the dialog

    Check the Bookmark line and Purge for each search options ( IMPORTANT )

    Switch back to the to_do.txt tab

    Click on the Mark All button

    => Message of the dialog Mark: xxx matches in entire file ( 876, in my case )

    In the Bookmark margin, select, with the right-click button, the option Remove Unmarked Lines or use the menu option Search > Bookmark > Remove Unmarked Lines

    Click on the Clear all marks button of the Mark dialog

    Finally, save the to_do.txt file

    => You should get all the files that require downloading, In my theoric case, from the 45 zones to take in account, I got a list of 876 files / lines to “download” ;-))

    Best Regards,


    P.S. :

    Here’s a tip to count a list of numbers :

    Do a multi-column selection of all these numbers, located anywhere in your current file

    Paste them in a new tab

    Do a zero-length COLUMN selection of all these numbers

    Hit the + sign

    Hit the Home key

    Hit the Backspace key

    Hit the End key

    Insert the = sign

    Copy all contents of this single line ( Ctrl + C )

    Open calc.exe

    Paste the contents of the clipboard ( Ctrl + V )

    => Here you are : the Windows calculator should show you the total of your **list of numbers ;-)) No possibility of errors and quick result !

    You may even count numbers in other bases !

  • 0 Votes
    9 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @Eoin-McCann did not return and thus did not create an issue himself, so I did it and it is found HERE.

  • Search replace for title casing

    2 Votes
    4 Posts

    Awesome thank yall for the help!

  • Replacing strings based on line numbers

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Hello, @evguenii-baranov and All,

    Quite easy with regular expression !

    So, let’s suppose that your file contains only the simple text, below :

    This is a very small bunch of text to see if it works nicely

    Open your file in Notepad++

    Place the caret ( cursor ) on the first line which must be replaced ( Line This is ). This point is IMPORTANT !

    Open the Replace dialog ( Ctrl + H )

    Un-check all the box options ( IMPORTANT )

    SEARCH (?-is).+\R(?=(?:.+\R){2}(.+\R))

    REPLACE $1

    Select the Regular expression search mode

    Click ONCE only on the Replace All button

    => You should get your expected text :

    of text to see if it works nicely to see if it works nicely

    Then, you just have to get rid of the three last lines which are repeated :

    of text to see if it works nicely

    In a general way, if you must replace the first line by the line N, use the following generic regex :

    SEARCH (?-is).+\R(?=(?:.+\R){N-2}(.+\R))

    REPLACE $1

    And replace the N-2 expression with its appropriate number !

    so, for example, the different regex searches, below, may be used :




    Best Regards,


  • Closed without saving the tab with the necessary data for 3 months.

    0 Votes
    26 Posts
    Lycan ThropeL

    @donho said in Closed without saving the tab with the necessary data for 3 months.:

    “The warning has been given, they are on their own now.” - as my favorite sentence has been said in WarCraft II.

    When does the attack begin, my liege? :-)

  • 0 Votes
    14 Posts

    @Angelica-Braun ,

    That user hasn’t logged in here in two years.

    I don’t know if any regulars here use the TakeNotes plugin.

    However, based on the most recent TakeNotes 1.27 being released last month, the developer is actively on that plugin; so you might be able to check that plugin repo’s issues, and if no one else has asked about it, ask there if it’s currently possible (or if it could be added, if not)

  • 0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Bas de ReuverB

    Btw as far as I know ComparePlus and CSV Lint are the only plug-ins that change the transparency of the caret-line. This is because those are also the only plug-ins that use background colors for syntax styling.

    All the default language (almost) never use a background color other than white(ish), that’s why an opaque caret line color has never been an issue.

    For example, if you look at the stylers.model.xml file Perl is one of the few that uses background colors to style the strings-in-backticks.

  • Plugin to help me build an CMS Free Homepage?

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @nousername1 said in Plugin to help me build an CMS Free Homepage?:

    Can you recommend such Editor who offer an Clean Data File?

    This forum is about Notepad++, the text editor, and thus also includes the plugins for Notepad++. If you are looking for recommendations for other software beyond Notepad++ or one of its plugins, this isn’t the right place. (And I have no idea what a “Clean Data File” is in your mind.)

  • Is there a way to disable sounds?

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Bill MillerB

    @PeterJones Thank you very much Peter. Yes, that did the job. I had simply neglected to explore the options available under “MISC.” Indeed that’s where the setting was. My bad. I appreciate your help Brother. Be well.

  • Toolbar icons with 2560x1440 display

    0 Votes
    8 Posts
    Manu elM

    In a normal scenario -with Windows scaling settings at 100%- notepad++ uses icons at 16x16 and 32x32. At high screen resolutions and depending on the monitor size, Windows applies a scaling, for example 150%. Notepad++ will then use the icons at +50% 16x16 → 24x24px and 32x32 → 48x48px. If that icon resolution exists, then they will be used, but if they don’t, they will be rescaled and look blurry.

    For me, a suggestion for the notepad++ author would be that the user could choose from a combobox the resolution to use for the icons (16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48…).

    On the other hand, I have several sets of icons for the toolbar and I would like to make them public but I’m still thinking about the best way to publish them: a different post in the forum for each icon set, a free website, by Telegram, maybe if donho enabled a section on the web… I don’t know what would be the best way.
    In the meantime you can try the following pack (my favorite) with different resolutions for test → https://community.notepad-plus-plus.org/topic/25706/toolbar-color-icons-for-notepad

  • How to set location of Styles and Config

    0 Votes
    8 Posts
    Bernard BoaseB

    Oops, our replies crossed. Thanks again for your help.

  • Font size on PopUp window, Please!

    0 Votes
    9 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    @mkupper said in Font size on PopUp window, Please!:

    the in-selection box is not coded to resize itself vertically as the buttons got larger.

    Probably this is because the window isn’t resizable vertically.

  • 0 Votes
    8 Posts
    Acortez AlexA

    @PeterJones I see, that’s too complicated, not worth it. The reason is simple: I often paste stuff so I want to be able to paste (or sometimes type) text into a file without the need to first click on the last line and then pressing Enter. In MS Word you can double-click on any blank space below and start typing or pasting, so here I want something like that.

  • Place cursor in center of displayed text when Goto line number.

    1 Votes
    2 Posts

    @C-Bacca said in Place cursor in center of displayed text when Goto line number.:

    Is there a way to put the cursor about 5 lines from the top of the NPP window when doing a Goto Line?

    Not natively.

    If you are going to a line near the top of the file, you could do Ctrl+Home then Goto Line. Or if you’re going to a line near the bottom, Ctrl+End before Goto Line. For one in the middle, you could Goto Line then use the mouse scrollwheel or Ctrl+Arrow to quickly scroll that line to the middle. (Settings > Preferences > Editing 1 > ☑ Enable scrolling beyond last line will help if you want to be able to center it with scrollwheel, even if you go to the last line.)

    If that’s not sufficient, it could be coded up in the PythonScript Plugin or similar scripting plugin, and then assign that script a keyboard shortcut to use – and you could then run that script instead of Goto Line. It’s not that difficult to do a “goto” then try to center it in PythonScript syntax; if you need help to do such a script, let us know (though we aren’t a code-writing service, so you’ll be expected to take an active role).