• unattended installation with progress bar

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @aristosv Not!
    Installation from the command line hides the entire installation process)))

  • How to save all new files automatically with .txt extension?

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Change these settings (clear this flag)


  • Can User Defined Command Save Current File First?

    0 Votes
    6 Posts
    Sylvester BullittS

    @PeterJones Yay! Got it work without having to mess with NppExec interface. For the benefit of anyone who wants to do this with Firefox & Windows 10, the macro below is what I finally settled on. I used a keyboard shortcut of Ctrl-Shift-Enter (your mileage may vary on other systems, especially the virtual key number).

    Thanks for help and patience, Peter. If you’d like to see the the Web site I’m using it for, it’s at http://www.hymntime.com/tch. I’m editing several hundred files, so this will be a tremendous help!

    <Macro name="Save File and Launch in Firefox" Ctrl="yes" Alt="no" Shift="yes" Key="13"> <Action type="2" message="0" wParam="41006" lParam="0" sParam="" /> <Action type="2" message="0" wParam="44100" lParam="0" sParam="" /> </Macro>
  • I need help to run the code on notepad++

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
  • extract XMl with regex

    0 Votes
    31 Posts

    @vijay-S ,

    Please stop marking most of your normal discussion as “plaintext” or “code”. That </> CODE button (or manually using the ``` lines before and after) is used to highlight text that you need to keep raw – like code, or example text for your data – it is not meant to format every paragraph of your discussion. It makes it really hard to read.

    As proof, here’s my last paragraph in CODE mode; notice how hard it is to read?

    Please stop marking most of your normal discussion as "plaintext" or "code". That `</> CODE` button is used to highlight text that you need to keep raw -- like code, or example text for your data -- it is not meant to format every paragraph of your discussion. It makes it really hard to read.

    Don’t get me wrong: It’s great for example text – so keep using it for when you are asking about certain text that you are trying to work with. But don’t use it for your normal conversation paragraphs.

    Back to your clarification:

    The regex works in 7.8.8

    There is no such version as 7.8.8 (at least, not yet); v7.8.2 has been released, and there is a release-candidate for v7.8.3. I will assume you mean v7.8.2, since that was the newest when this conversation started.

    The regex works in 7.8.8 7.8.2 not in 7.3.3 in case if the selected xml is big

    Regarding there being a bug in v7.3.3 that isn’t present in v7.8.2: What do you expect? Do you expect a bugfix version of v7.3.3? The version number is incremented as bugs are fixed or features are improved. If v7.3.3 has a bug that you need fixed, you need to move to a newer version that has the bug fixed; you have already admitted that the feature works in newer versions. So if you need a version with the bug fixed, use the version with the bug fixed. If you don’t need a version with the bug fixed, feel free to stick with the old v7.3.3; either way, don’t complain that the bug still exists in the old version when you know it’s fixed in a newer version.

  • Add numbers to certain word?

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @PeterJones said in Add numbers to certain word?:

    i think it would take less than 50 lines of perl or python to do it

    That’s for sure :-)

  • How to remove this + Icon in Post it view

    0 Votes
    2 Posts


    I’m afraid but as far as I know, you can’t get rid of it.

  • Regex to increase or decrease last digit in line by one.

    0 Votes
    7 Posts
    Alan KilbornA

    I should add that it works for this reason:

    .+ :

    .+ matches (one or more characters) as much as it can before moving on. Also known as the “maximum munch”. So given the pattern .+\d and the string-to-test as abc123def345 the .+ part would match abc123def34 because the ending 5 would satisfy the \d in the pattern.

    .+? :

    .+? matches (one or more characters) as little as possible before moving on. Also known as the “minimum munch”. With the pattern .+?\d and the same string-to-test, the .+? part would match abc because the following 1 would match the \d.

  • Change the text on clickable link

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    Is this possible?


    Notepad++ is a text editor. It is for looking at and editing the source code, it is not a rendering engine.

    That said, there are some text formats, like Markdown, which can markup text, and if you have a rendering engine, that text will be rendered differently. You can use the Notepad++ Plugins > Plugins Admin to install the MarkdownViewer++ plugin, which embeds a Markdown rendering engine in Notepad++; using that plugin, you can edit the Markdown source code in one pane of Notepad++, and have it rendered in the MarkdownViewer++ pane of Notepad++. In such a circumstance, using the Markdown syntax [Debian](https://debian.org) would render in the MarkdownViewer++ pane as Debian, while still being clickable in the viewer pane.

  • find in Files = wrong endcodet result

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    Sometimes, it’s best to turn off autodetect of the character encoding, and then manually set the correct encoding through the Encoding > Character Sets menu. There is no 100%-accurate encoding-detection method, because those “encodings” are all 8bit encodings, and so are technically using the same 8bit values (bytes) to indicate different characters; there are some hints that will emphasize certain bytes happen with greater or lesser frequency, which is how encoding auto-detect works; but there is no way to be 100% sure of which of those encodings are used without embedded metadata.

    (Or always edit files that use a full-unicode-compatible encoding, such as UTF8 or UTF-16/UCS2 – but of course, your data isn’t in that format; though you could use iconv or similar tool; if you search the forum for “iconv”, you will see some example usages of it)

  • how to control Clipboard History paste destination please?

    1 Votes
    5 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    Well, not sure I follow your use case all that well… But another thing occurred to me: Maybe you should go more “global”: Instead of Notepad++'s clipboard history manager, try a global Window clipboard manager; there are many out there to choose from, but I have seen here that people recommend one called “Ditto”.

  • Search Result Window No Longer Opens

    0 Votes
    10 Posts

    Hi, @sylvester-bullitt, @peterjones, @alan-kilborn and All,

    OMG ! I just forgot this trivial but simple method. Thus, whatever the contents of the <GUIConfig name ..... </GUIConfig> section :

    <GUIConfig name="DockingManager" leftWidth="L" rightWidth="R" topHeight="T" bottomHeight="B"> ..... ..... ..... ..... </GUIConfig>

    Open your active config.xml file, with Microsoft notepad ( Do NOT use Notepad++ )

    Delete all the lines in between

    Change the 4 dimension attributes, L, R, T and B, to the value 200, giving, simply :

    <GUIConfig name="DockingManager" leftWidth="200" rightWidth="200" topHeight="200" bottomHeight="200"> </GUIConfig>

    Save the modifications of the Config.xml file

    Restart Notepad++

    That’s all. Et voilà !

    Remark : of course, this basic method hides all your previous visible panels, as well !



  • how to delete from lines custom formula

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Alan KilbornA


    I would try searching for (?-s)delete".+ and replacing with nothing. Search mode = Regular expression.

  • Breaking lines after full stops, not dots

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Viktoria OntapadoV


    I see. Again, thank you for your explanation and assistance and have a nice weekend!

  • Dialogs very slow to open

    0 Votes
    13 Posts


    Because you already using pythonscript plugin it might be helpful
    to let a script like this

    from Npp import notepad from os import path import xml.etree.ElementTree as et from pprint import pformat # <GUIConfig name="Backup" action="0" useCustumDir="no" dir="" isSnapshotMode="yes" snapshotBackupTiming="7000" /> expected_settings = {'name': "Backup", 'action': "0", 'useCustumDir': "no", 'dir': "", 'isSnapshotMode': "yes", 'snapshotBackupTiming': "7000", } plugin_config_dir = notepad.getPluginConfigDir() npp_config_dir = path.join(plugin_config_dir, r'..\..') config_xml = path.abspath(path.join(npp_config_dir, r'config.xml')) if path.exists(config_xml): xml_doc = et.parse(config_xml) node = xml_doc.find('GUIConfigs/GUIConfig[@name="Backup"]') current_settings = { x:y for x,y in node.items()} if expected_settings != current_settings: template = ('name == {name}\r\n' 'action == {action}\r\n' 'useCustumDir == {useCustumDir}\r\n' 'dir == {dir}\r\n' 'isSnapshotMode == {isSnapshotMode}\r\n' 'snapshotBackupTiming == {snapshotBackupTiming}\r\n') current = template.format(**current_settings) expected = template.format(**expected_settings) notepad.messageBox(('Backup settings have been changed\r\n\r\n' 'expected:\r\n\r\n{0}\r\n\r\n' 'received:\r\n\r\n{1}').format(expected, current), 'BACKUP SETTINGS CHECK') else: notepad.messageBox(('Unable to find:\r\n\r\n{0}\r\n\r\n' 'Backup settings might be lost!').format(config_xml), 'BACKUP SETTINGS CHECK')

    run on every npp startup. Put it in user startup.py and make sure
    your configuration is set to ATSTARTUP then your expected
    settings will be checked against current xml setting each time npp starts. Of course you need to adapt the expected settings to your need.

  • Old Pythonscript stopped working

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Bérci RóbertB

    Thanks. That did the trick.

  • Drag and Drop not working in portable 7.6.3

    0 Votes
    15 Posts

    @Pere-Drinovac said in Drag and Drop not working in portable 7.6.3:

    Both, Total Commander and N++, are portable and running with user privileges. Deactivating UAC doesn’t change anything.

    I have figured out, that I used TC as 32Bit version and N++ as 64Bit version. Using N++ as 32Bit version solves the problem.

    Solved for me too. I was using ClearCase (Windows 32 bit application). Drag and Drop from ClearCase 32 to notepad++ 32 bit works fine. On the other hand drag and drop from any win 32 application to notepad++ 64 bit is not working.

  • Can't Read File/Folder Names in Workspace Window

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @Sylvester-Bullitt said in Can't Read File/Folder Names in Workspace Window:

    Looks like some work is needed on the links on the NP++ download page.

    Could you be more specific? The downloads available at the official site are the only official downloads of Notepad++. Specifically, https://notepad-plus-plus.org/downloads/v7.8.2/ has the v7.8.2 released in December. There have been no newer releases. Do you believe there is a typo in one of the download links on the v7.8.2 page? Or do you think that the v7.8.2 available there is not the “real/final” v7.8.2?

    The newest 64-bit Notepad++ I can see in the cnet downloads is the older v7.8.0, from October. I have not compared the hashes to determine whether it’s a valid official version or some custom / out-of-Don’s-control repackaging (my work blocks cnet downloads).

  • Collapse XMl tags for all the XMLS in a file

    -2 Votes
    2 Posts

    @vijay-S ,

    This is not your personal XML support forum.

    You have been given plenty (dozens!) of regex examples to manipulate XML, and @guy038 has selflessly iterated through your ever-changing requirements to try to satisfy you.

    I have previously explained to you that you need to read documentation (which I linked to), and show what you’ve tried, and basically you need to show some effort.

    Notepad++ has builtin XML language syntax highlighting and code folding, and View > Collapse Level / Uncollapse Level will help you hide and unhide various levels of your XML hierarchy.

    There are plugins for Notepad++ – noteably, XML Tools – which will help you with validation, syntax checking, etc.

    @Peter-Brand has recommended that you use XSLT to do your XML transformations.

    There are programming languages out there with libraries that will help you extract just the information you want from your XML files.

    Please show some effort

  • Spaces appear in Notepad++ but not in Excel

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Rick-Gallo said in Spaces appear in Notepad++ but not in Excel:

    thought the experts on an N++ forum might have the answer.

    You really didn’t give us much to go on. You say “Excel” and “printed text” and “N++”, but don’t say what you mean. By “printed text”, do you mean the results of the formula? Or printing from Excel to paper? For Notepad++ to show them, are you copying the cell values from excel and pasting them as text in Notepad++? or is your spreadsheet a CSV-with-formulas, and you are looking at the source CSV in Notepad++?

    Besides, what does your problem have to do with Notepad++? All I can see is that Notepad++ happens to be the text editor that you used for whatever “look at text” operation you are doing that you haven’t described. My guess is that any other text editor would have shown the same thing.

    Really, assuming you provide more details to them than you did to us, an Excel forum would probably be a better place. But maybe someone else here is a better guesser than I am.