Here is an AWK script that may help you. You can download GNU AWK from here:
# **************************************************************************
# AWK script to replace all occurences of FindStr with RepStrNNN.
# Output files are the same name as the input files with ".ed" appended.
# Run it like this: gawk -f .\thisScript.awk <files to be edited>
# If this file is saved as repAll.awk in the current directory, and the
# files to be edited are in directory c:\fileDir, then:
# gawk -f .\repAll.awk c:\fileDir\*
# **************************************************************************
# If FindStr contains any characters that have special regex meaning,
# they must be prefaced with "\". For example: "Needed\* Here".
FindStr = "replaceMe"
RepStr = "ID"
NumDigits = 3 # Number of digits to append to RepStr.
# Controls leading zeroes, but does not
# limit the total number (i.e. if there
# are 10000+ replaces, then ID10134, for
# example, will be generated).
Number = 0 # Initial number to append.
BatchFile = ".\\CopyAndDel.bat" # Name of batch file used to clean up.
FNR == 1 {
print("@copy " FILENAME ".ed " FILENAME " /y >nul") > BatchFile
print("@del " FILENAME ".ed >nul") > BatchFile
while (match($0, FindStr)) {
sub(FindStr, sprintf("%s%0*d", RepStr, NumDigits, Number++))
print > (FILENAME ".ed")
print "If the '.ed' files look good, execute " BatchFile " to copy them over"
print "the original files and then delete them."